Thursday, August 4, 2011

August 2011 St. John Newsletter

St. John Ev. Lutheran Church, LCMS Newsletter                       P.O. Box 162, Baldwin, Illinois 62217-0162 (618) 785-2344              
        Pastor John M. Taggatz,          Carol Wentz, Secretary
August, 2011                                       Lela Rehmer, Custodian          Kevin Kahle, Groundskeeper      
                                                                                                        Church E-mail:;
                                                                                                        Church Web Site:

Serving on the Altar Guild for August are:  Connie Buch and Diane Luthy

Ushers for the Month of August are: Leland Junge, Gary Huebner, Tony Junge, Carl Laufer, Gene Luthy, Corey Rocow, Mark Schoenbeck and Kyle Junge


(618) 785-2344           (or)

(618) 785-2602

-When a member of your family is admitted to the hospital, so a visit can be made by Pastor Taggatz.

- When your group plans to hold a meeting, so it can be cleared and placed on the church calendar.

-When your home or business phone number or address is changed, so church records can be corrected.

- When you are planning to move either out of town or locally.

- When you know you are pregnant so that we will be able to assist you in any way we can with prayers, encouragement and support.

- When a new baby arrives in your family or in the family of another church member.

- When you are planning a wedding or baptism.


“Don't Go it Alone”

                I don’t have to tell you how many ways people’s lives fall apart. Sometimes the devil hassles and attacks you from the outside, and sometimes you have an amazing capacity to sabotage your own life. God knew this, and that’s one of the reasons why he created the Christian Church—so you would have a spiritual family rooted and built up in the foundation of Jesus Christ our Savior. We are on a pilgrim journey, and being together is better than being alone. That’s why the Bible tells us, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25).

                You and I know people who think, “I don’t need anybody. I don’t need to go to church. I don’t need any of this Bible stuff. I can handle my own life by myself.” The bad news is that Satan knows how to go after the lone and solitary ones. Just as wolf packs prey on solitary sheep. It’s when you’re by yourself that you may start believing the lies he whispers that say you are no good and will never amount to much, that no one—and certainly no God—could ever love you.

                That’s why you need to get involved in the lives of people around you. As pilgrims we need fellow travelers so we can all keep an eye on one another. Even the Lone Ranger had Tonto.


                My colleague in the ministry, Pastor Will Weedon, has this to say on when Christians choose not to attend Church. If I as a Pastor decided one Sunday just to skip Church that week, do you think anyone would notice? Ah, you say, but you’re the pastor. Yes, they’d notice. I agree. They would. But it also makes a difference when YOU decide to skip Church this Sunday.

                Each Sunday is a gathering of the family of believers in Christ and when a beloved family member doesn’t show up for the family gathering and meal at Christmas or Easter or Thanksgiving, there’s a hole, a gap, a pain that everyone feels. We’re all the less for that person not being with us to revel in the celebration of that day. Their absence diminishes the joy of the family. So when you choose to skip on Sunday, when you don’t come together with your church family to join in offering the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving and to receive the gifts your Lord has for you, it’s not just you that miss out. Your extended family, the Church, misses out. They are diminished by your decision to absent yourself. The singing is that much quieter. The “amens” that much softer. The spot where you usually sit and stand reminds us all of your absence.

                Surely the Christian theologian Richard John Neuhaus was dead right on this: Christian discipleship should begin with a very simple commitment that any given Lord’s Day will find you in the assembly of God’s people, singing His praise, offering your prayers, receiving His gifts. The *only* reasons for missing is because you’re too sick to be present or because you’re away traveling and even in the later case, blessed are you if you find the family gathered in that location and join with them.”


See You in Church!


Pastor Taggatz

 Showing our Devotion

Webster’s Dictionary defines devotion as “loyalty, deep affection, or religious worship.” We can be devoted to jobs, to families, to hobbies, to attaining success, wealth, or status.  We can be devoted to a political party or a sports team.  A Christian’s highest devotion should be to His Lord and the Lord’s Church.

We show our devotion to Christ in different ways, but much of our devotion is expressed in what we say or do.  To the Ephesians Paul wrote, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).  Our good works show our devotion to God for Who He is and what He has done for us.  As Christians, we show our devotion to Jesus through the faithful stewardship of our time, talents, and treasures.

As devoted stewards . . .

  • we give generously.  Giving puts our devotion into action.  Because of our devotion to Jesus, we generously give Him our best.  Jesus said, “Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8 NIV).  He also said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).
  • we follow Jesus’ example of serving.  Jesus said, “…the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve . . .” (Matthew 20:28).    Filled with Christ’s love and grace, we become new people who are prompted to follow His lead by helping and serving others.  “For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and He died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for Him Who for their sake died and was raised” (2 Corinthians 5:14-15).
  • we love others.   We are to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 19:19).  We are equipped by Christ to be loving people because He changes us into loving people.  Paul wrote, “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:10).  Peter wrote, “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8).
  • we are in this world but not of the world (John 15:19).  We acknowledge that God is the owner and the source of all good things.  We are devoted to Jesus, so we hold things of this world loosely.  We love people rather than things.

May God keep our hearts devoted to Him and, through our devotion, may He be glorified.

A Lesson from Higher Gas Prices

These past few months, we have experienced some very high gas prices.  Interestingly, even with gas prices around $4.00 a gallon, many people have not changed their lifestyles by driving less.  Because it is important enough to drive, we spend the money necessary to get us to our destinations, even though we may complain about the high price of gas.

Can we learn a Christian lesson from both our willingness to spend more money and to find the money necessary for gas?  The message is that, when something is important to us, we will do what is necessary.  Is giving to God out of gratitude for all He has done and all He continues to do important enough for us?  OPEC, oil companies, and those who run the gas stations dictate the prices we pay for gas.  To guide our giving, we have the Bible.  The Bible says that we are to give proportionately, cheerfully, and regularly of the firstfruits of our incomes.

In order to continue to pay for gas, many of us have needed to redirect our money from other areas.  If we are to show God more thanks and love through our giving, we also may need to redirect more of our treasures to Him.  Just as we find the money for gas, we can find it to honor our Lord.  When we truly understand how much God loves us, we will willingly and cheerfully increase our giving. 

Michele Bachmann and the Pope

The media jump into a centuries-old theological dispute between Lutherans and Catholics. (From JULY 22, 2011 “The Wall Street Journal”)



There was a wonderful editorial in the Wall Street Journal, written by an LCMS Lutheran journalist, Mollie Ziegler-Hemingway. I thought it pretty much drove the nails into the coffin and put away the news media nonsense over the story that Michelle Bachmann used to belong to a Lutheran congregation that is part of a church body that is Lutheran and actually teaches what Lutherans have always taught about the power and authority of the papacy.  Here’s the article.

American political reporters aren't known for their vocal support of Roman Catholic teachings. But when they discovered recently that Minnesota Congresswoman and Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann was once a Lutheran, they began defending the papacy as if they were the Vatican's own Swiss Guard. They asked with concern, could Catholics even vote for a former Lutheran?

Ms. Bachmann's former church, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, hasn't followed the mainline Protestant church practice of regularly revising its doctrines. The Lutheran confessions, or statements of faith, are found in the Book of Concord, first published in 1580. They explain the doctrine of justification by grace alone, through faith alone, on account of Christ alone. Accordingly, they don't believe the pope's authority comes from God.

This shouldn't be surprising to anyone familiar with the Reformation, but it hit the press hard. "Michele Bachmann leaves church accused of anti-Catholic bias," the Los Angeles Times reported. The Atlantic Monthly: "Michele Bachmann's Church Says the Pope Is the Antichrist." From the Washington Post, we learned that the Lutheran Confessions use "unfortunate wording."

To be sure, the "antichrist" rhetoric is strong. Found in Martin Luther's Smalcald Articles, such language is part of a tradition that reaches back into the 10th century. As a National Council of Churches Committee has written, "Not only dissidents and heretics but even saints had called the bishop of Rome the 'antichrist' when they wished to castigate his abuse of power."

During the Reformation, Catholic statements against Lutheran beliefs were similarly strong. The Council of Trent's canons declared that anyone who believed in justification by faith alone was to be "anathema," or cut off from the church.

These words shock modern ears. But in the Reformation era "there was a much greater degree of rough and tumble in the way Christians addressed issues and those with whom they disagreed," explained the Rev. Paul McCain, publisher of a 2005 reader's edition of the Book of Concord.

Still, the unlikely media frenzy over Ms. Bachmann's former church obscured some important points. Accusations of anti-Catholicism notwithstanding, Lutherans (unlike some Protestants) actually affirm that the Roman Catholic Church is part of the Christian church, noting that it retains the preaching of God's word and administration of the sacraments.

Reporters also missed the distinction between individual popes and the papacy. The Protestant Reformers certainly weren't fans of Pope Leo X or other individual popes who abused the office's power. But the Lutheran opposition was and is mainly to the papacy's claim to speak with authority equal to or surpassing the word of God, and to its claim that membership in the Catholic Church is a condition for salvation.

"In each of these teachings, the papacy placed itself in clear opposition to the foundation of the Christian faith, and therefore in opposition to Christ himself," Wisconsin Synod President Mark Schroeder said in a statement this week. "Although the Catholic Church may have softened the way in which it refers to these doctrines, it has never repudiated or corrected them," he added.

Some Lutheran church bodies have said that the teachings on the papacy were true at the time they were written but are no longer in effect. Certainly the original historical context is key, when the memory of popes who had abused indulgences, murdered rivals, launched wars and squandered church resources was fresher. Today, Lutherans still hold that the office represents an unbiblical authority to speak unilaterally for the church.

And yet the current pope, Benedict XVI, is particularly close to the Lutherans. As his biographer John Allen has written, the Lutherans are to Pope Benedict what the Orthodox were to his predecessor John Paul: "the separated brethren he knows best, and for whom he has the greatest natural affinity." Indeed, far from the sectarian battles that reporters may envision, the fact is that confessional Lutherans and Pope Benedict are partners in the battle against what he has called the "dictatorship of relativism."

Catholics and Lutherans know where they disagree and why. They'll be forgiven for taking a pass on the media's new interest in resolving their disputes.

BIBLE STUDY—(if you would like to have another opportunity to Study God’s Word other than the time listed below, I as your pastor, am always willing to meet with you and a group of people to learn, study and grow in the grace and knowledge of God in Christ Jesus.  Just let me know and we can work out a time that best suits you.)


Sunday Mornings (10:15 a.m.)                                                       The Truth Project”—Focus on the             Family…

In a recent study, the Barna Research Group revealed a stunning statistic that continues to reverberate throughout the evangelical world. Only 9 % of professing Christians have a biblical worldview.   (The Barna Update, "A Biblical Worldview Has a Radical Effect on a Person's Life," December 1, 2003.)  In fact, a newer Barna Survey is titled, "Most American Christians Do Not Believe that Satan or the Holy Spirit Exist" March, 2009.  Because of this, today's believers live very similarly to non-believers. A personal sense of significance is rarely experienced, we spend our money and time on things that fail to satisfy and we begin to wonder what life's ultimate purpose really is. We are, in short, losing our bearings as a people and a nation. The Truth Project is a DVD-based small group curriculum comprised of 13 one-hour lessons taught by Dr. Del Tackett. Each lesson discusses in great detail the relevance and importance of living the Christian worldview in daily life.

We remember in our prayers— We pray for Jason Mines (who is on hospice care), John Eggerding, Bonnie Highberger, and for Lee Hogandobler, all who are battling serious illnesse. We also pray for Jim Spier, since his cancer has returned. 

We praise God and thank Him that He has brought Nathan Reinhardt, safely back home to us after his 4 years of  military service and three tours in Afghanistan, and Todd Burmester, the son of Connie & Richard Buch, home from the service, who has retired, after over 20 years of military service.

We mourn with the family of Jo Hartmann, who recently passed away, and the family of Alice & Homer Liefer, whose brother Paul Salger, was called home to heavenly rest. May God give to their families the remembrance and hope of the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ who says in John 11:25-26, “I am the resurrection and the life.  Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.”

Vacation Bible School @ St. John— A big “thank you” to all the volunteers who helped with Vacation Bible School. There were 26 children present and the offerings this year totaled $324 and were sent to Rev. Tim & Lisa Beckendorf of Lutheran Bible Translators, to support their Bible Translation work in Botswana, Africa.


ATTENTION PRE-CONFIRMANDS & CONFIRMANDS—There will be a special meeting for you and your parents on Wednesday Aug. 17th @ 7pm to discuss the acolyting schedule and the schedules for confirmation and pre-confirmation.  Also, on Wednesday Aug. 24th @ 6pm pre-confirmation class begins and at 7pm confirmation class begins. 

Remember:  Every 3rd Sunday of the month we are praying for people who are in the military.  If you have a relative or friend who is an armed serviceman and woman in our Nation’s military please let the Church know so that we may be able to pray for them on the third Sunday of the month.

On the back table in the church there is a copy of the Book, “The Story Bible” by CPH which would make a great gift for any children in your home.  There are over 130 bible stories in this book with beautiful realistic art.  If we order 10 or more copies from our church we can get a $10 discount on this book, plus free shipping. There’s a signup sheet in the back of the church available for you.

The Southern Illinois District Convention will take place on February 16-18, 2012 in O'Fallon. Our congregation has the privilege to nominate people for the following positions: President and Secretary (pastors), Treasurer (lay person), Board of Directors (lay people and commissioned ministers), Board of Missions and Board of Congregational Support (pastors, lay people and commissioned ministers). Our congregation needs to return these nominations to the district office by October 14. If you are interested in serving God's people in our district in this way, please speak to Pastor Taggatz or our Church President Terry Rehmer. Thank you!


810 Soldiers Way, Evansville, IL   62242

Phone 618-853-7300       Fax 618-853-7361; E-mail:

Mr. John Christman, Principal

Join Us:  Please join us for the Opening Worship Service for the 2011-2012 academic year.   It will be held at St. Peter’s Church in Evansville, on Sunday August 14th at 2:00p.m.

Tuition Assistance Deadline:  For any family considering applying

for need based tuition assistance the deadline is approaching.  Please consider logging on to to begin the application process.  


Rummage Sale:  The annual rummage sale will be held next week Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, August 4, 5 & 6.  The Village of Evansville will be having community yard sales at this time also. See  back for times and other information.  Hopefully you will be able to visit us as we have a lot of nice items.

Produce:  If your garden is producing more than you can eat, we would appreciate any extra items you might have.  Especially zucchini, peppers, onions, and cucumbers for making relish.  For other produce we set up tables and sell them at fundraisers. 

Wanted: People to help set up rummage sale on Monday, Tuesday, 

                Wednesday.  Please call Doris Liefer (443-7294) or Pearl

               May 282-2642 for times and dates. 

               People who are willing to help with painting.

                  Gently used rummage sale items.

               Your extra produce.   


Coming Events:  

August 4-6,    Rummage Sale

August 14,     Mueller Auction, Red Bud

August 15,     First day of school


Air Conditioned Gym

Behind St. Peter’s Church

Off Route 3, Evansville

August  2011

Thursday Aug. 4th4:00-8:00pm ($2.00 entry


Friday Aug. 5th—4:00-7:00pm $5.00 a bag (clothes only)

Saturday Aug. 6th—7:00am-5:00pm ($5.00 a bag


Sunday Aug. 7th—11:00-2:00pm Donation (Free Will)

We have a lot of nice items from ceramics—to furniture.  Come see what we have that you might need or want!!


Zuehla Rowold                        Laverna Luthy

Red Bud Nursing Home        Three Springs N. Home  

350 W. South 1st                             161 Three Springs Rd.    Red Bud, IL 62278                Chester, IL 62233   

Opal Luthy                              

Red Bud Nursing Home                    

350 W. South 1st                                        

Red Bud, IL 62278

Dorothy Junge              Patty Theobald

7555 State Rte. 154        402 W. 2nd  St. Apt. F.

Baldwin, IL 62217                Sparta, IL 62286


Patsy Schoenbeck                 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Mahan

322 Joan St.               800 Baldwin Rd

Marissa, IL 62257                 New Athens, IL 62264


Church Council Minutes

Tue. July 12th, 2011


Present: Terry Rehmer, Toni Rehmer,Linda Schoenbeck, Stanley Gegel, Connie Buch, Mark Schoeneck, Gerald Poenitske and Pastor Taggatz

The meeting was called to order by President Terry Rehmer.

Opening devotions were lead by Pastor Taggatz.

The minutes from the June meeting were read and approved.

Financial Secretary’s Report: Total receipts for June were $9,31.35.

Treasurer’ Report: Beginning balance is was $3060.39.Deposits were $9,384.27

Expenses were $11,613.83 with an ending balance for June 2011 of $830.83 in the general fund.

Trustees Report: Installed Air Conditioner in the kitchen. The steeple has been repaired by Gateway FS from the recent storm. There have been issues in the parsonage basement with the flooding due to all the rain. Terry Rehmer, Brian Schoenbeck , Mark Schoenbeck were present at the Village Board meeting to discuss the issue. The village will have the sewer line blew out to check for blockage which should happen sometime this week. We will check into the situation to see if any issues were found. Gilbert Kahle is willing to donate the sump pump and materials to be installed in the basement of the parsonage but it cannot be done until the possible sewer line issue is resolved.  We will discuss it again next month. The trustees will caulk the upstairs shower while Pastor is gone on vacation to allow it to dry. A work day will be set at the next meeting.

Youth Group: Helping with VBS.

Stewardship: Stewardship Emphasis in the Fall is being planned.


Pastoral Acts for the month of June 15th ‘11 through July 12th, 2011—

-Regular Saturday & Sunday worship responsibilities

                - 4 Bible Study class sessions (Sunday            mornings)

                -3 Counseling Sessions

                -1 Funeral—Friday July 8th for Jo Hartmann

                -1 Red Bud Nursing Home Chapel Service on               Sunday June 19th

                        -1 COSLHS Meeting Tue. June 28th

                - 13 Homebound/ Member visits

                -5 Hospital Visits

                -1 Meeting with our Southern Illinois District                 President Rev. Timothy Scharr—Monday July             11th

                -Camp Wartburg Pastor of the Week—2       Morning devotions with the children, 1           counselor led Bible Study

VBS @ St. John is:  July 10th –July 14th The theme this year is “Pandamania: Where God is Wild About You—Psalm 139.”  Our mission offering is going to Rev. Tim & Lisa Beckendorf of Lutheran Bible Translators and their work of Bible Translation to the people of Botswana, Africa.  We have 26 children enrolled in Vacation Bible School this year.  Special thanks to all who have donated food, volunteered their time to be Bible Study leaders, to do arts and crafts, serve food, teach the songs, direct our VBS, lead in games etc…

Pastor’s Vacation Date— July 17th-24th (Pastor Bramstet is filling in for me in preaching and leading worship on Sunday July 24th)

An Update on the Parsonage—

                The parsonage basement has flooded twice             since our last meeting in June (Sunday June 26th          & Sunday July 3rd into Monday July 4th)—             we’ve had some sewage come up from the drain         both times as well.  Roxanne and I have        been having trouble with the parsonage                basement filling with water for four years      now and this year has been the worst.  Roxanne          and I cleaned up some sewage that’s      behind the washer and dryer and found that our          washer is beginning to rust underneath due to all                 the water that’s been in our basement.           Roxanne has been cleaning the basement with            Bleach and Borax.  (See the St. John       Parsonage Basement Log…)

Special thanks to Terry Rehmer and Mark Schoenbeck for replacing the A/C unit in the kitchen.  The food servers for VBS greatly appreciate it. 

Thanks to all the council members for their hard work throughout the year and for their years of service in being leaders of our congregation.

Issue from last meeting—Creative Worship is used to put our special services together throughout the year.  Lutheran Service Builder covers our copyright license for singing the hymns in church, but also special hymns that the choir sings.

I am planning to have an evangelism workshop on the first three Saturday mornings starting at 9am in the month of September…—how many Council members would be willing to come to this workshop?

Also, I am going to work with the elders on having several cottage meetings with our members to catch up with everyone and be able to speak with those whom I haven’t seen in awhile to see how things are going with them.  I look to have these meetings on Saturday mornings during the months of October & November   I will be working on sending a letter out to our members about these meetings to invite them to the meetings and will have a follow up phone call with them.

Confirmation & Pre-Confirmation Instruction—There will be a Parent’s meeting to discuss the schedule for class on Wed. Aug. 17th and on Wed. Aug. 24th, we will be starting classes.  Pre-Confirmation will be starting at 6pm and Confirmation at 7pm.

Pastor Taggatz is on Twitter and has an online blog.  If you would like to follow his Twitter account his screen name is @jtaggatz.  His blog, which has past St. John Church Newsletters, sermons, etc. is: Also, if you would like to keep up with LCMS current news go to the NEW LCMS website: There you will find the LCMS’ Facebook, Twitter and other accounts that you can use to keep up with the latest information in our church body.

COSLHS—Opening Worship Service…

 An opening worship service for the 2011-2012 Academic Year at Christ Our Savior Lutheran High School will be Sunday, August 14 at 2 p.m. at St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Evansville.  I will be planning and participating in the Service…

Old Business: Shepherd’s Staff Yearly fees were discussed and at this time it was decided not to pay the annual fee and pay for each call since in the long run that would be cheaper since we have only had to call a couple times for tech support in the last couple years. The LSB fees of $225.00 were discussed and Toni Rehmer will check to see what these fees are actually for. Pastor stated that he does use the LSB book for the Prayer and Preaching service on the 5th Sunday of the month, the order of service for funerals and the choir does sing out of the book since we have purchased a few of them for choir.

New Business: None

Motion made and seconded to adjourn

The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

President: Terry Rehmer

Acting Secretary: Linda Schoenbeck

We Believe, Teach and Confess.

Martin Luther’s Small & Large Catechism

“What is Baptism?”


Introductory Note:  Baptism is not our work, but God’s work. It is a priceless treasure God gives and faith receives or grasps. God’s Word of Gospel-promise makes Baptism what it is. Baptism gives us great comfort and strength when our sins accuse us, when we realize how we stand guilty before God. Then, says Luther, the Christian is to say, “But I am baptized!” Luther comments about infant Baptism since, in his time as today, some Christians deny infants this precious Sacrament. Luther’s defense of infant Baptism is interesting. He says simply that if God did nothing through Baptism, how do baptized children believe in Him? For Luther, the fact that the gift of the Holy Spirit is given even to very small children is proof enough that God works in and through Baptism. Luther also explains how Baptism encompasses what was known as “penance.” So for Luther, Confession and Absolution are subsumed under Baptism and the proclamation of the Gospel. True repentance is daily returning to Baptism. Baptism is our daily garment, by which we suppress the old Adam and grow up in the new Adam, being clothed with the righteousness of Christ. (See AC IX; SA III V.)


Every Christian also ought to have at least an ordinary, brief instruction about the Sacraments, because without them he cannot be a Christian. Unfortunately, up to now, no instruction about them has been given. 2 But, in the first place, we take up Baptism, by which we are first received into the Christian Church [John 3:5]. (Large Catechism IV 1-2)

Christ our Lord says in the last chapter of Matthew: “19Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”  (Matthew 28:19 ESV)

Christ our Lord says in the last chapter of Mark:                                                                                                                                                    

“16Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. “ (Mark 16:16 ESV)  (Luther’s Small Catechism)

6 Here [in the words of Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:16] stand God’s commandment and institution. Let us not doubt that Baptism is divine. It is not made up or invented by people. For as surely as I can say, “No one has spun the Ten Commandments, the Creed, and the Lord’s Prayer out of his head; they are revealed and given by God Himself.” So also I can boast that Baptism is no human plaything, but it is instituted by God Himself. Furthermore, Baptism is most solemnly and strictly commanded so that we must be baptized or we cannot be saved. I note this lest anyone regard Baptism as a silly matter, like putting on a new red coat. 7 For it is of the greatest importance that we value Baptism as excellent, glorious, and exalted. We contend and fight for Baptism chiefly because the world is now so full of sects arguing that Baptism is an outward thing and that outward things are of no benefit. 8 But let Baptism be a thoroughly outward thing. Here stand God’s Word and command, which institute, establish, and confirm Baptism. What God institutes and commands cannot be an empty thing. It must be a most precious thing, even though it looked like it had less value than a straw. 9 … So we ought to value Baptism much more highly and more precious, because God has commanded it. Besides, it is done in His name. For these are the words, “Go, baptize.” However, do not baptize in your name, but in God’s name… 10 To be baptized in God’s name is to be baptized not by men, but by God Himself. Therefore, although it is performed by human hands, it is still truly God’s own work. From this fact everyone may readily conclude that Baptism is a far higher work than any work performed by a man or a saint. For what work can we do that is greater than God’s work?

 (Large Catechism IV 6-10)

14 From this now learn a proper understanding of the subject and how to answer the question of what Baptism is. It is not mere ordinary water, but water comprehended in God’s Word and command and sanctified by them [Ephesians 5:26–27]. So it is nothing other than a divine water. Not that the water in itself is nobler than other water, but that God’s Word and command are added to it.  (Large Catechism IV 14)

Concordia : The Lutheran Confessions. 2005 (Edited by Paul Timothy McCain) (423 -424). St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House.


The deadline for getting articles and reports in to be included in the Newsletter is the 18th of every month.

Do You Have a Question?  There are tracts in the narthex that may be able to help…  Take a moment as you come into church to check out the Lutheran Hour Ministries tract rack.  These pamphlets are free for you to take home.  You may see one that would be interesting, maybe not for yourself, but for a friend or relative who is experiencing or questioning a particular topic.

St. John Fundraiser for the School Roof--If any member of St. John, or maybe a friend that you know of, has an undamaged cell phone that's no longer in use. Please bring the cell phone to the church. Also, if you have an unused Palm Pilot or other sort of PDA device, even empty ink cartridges (palm sized), these items can be donated as well. The church can donate these items and receive money for them at 100% profit. Other groups and organizations have taken part in a fundraiser like this and have been able to raise up to $6,000. Please tell your friends and family about this too. If you have any questions feel free to contact Pastor Taggatz at 618-785-2344. Thank you to the member who suggested this fundraiser.

Don’t forget - Starting on the 4th of September the Sunday morning worship Service will be going back to 10:00 a.m. with the Adult Bible Class starting at 8:45 a.m. (Sunday School will begin on Sunday September 4th ­as well for our Rally Day Service).

We rejoice with Ken, Julie and Justin Schmoll at the birth of their daughter and sister Mackenzie Grace born on Wednesday, July 27th at 2:59 a.m. 7pounds, 6 ounces, 20 inches long


Non-Profit Org.
Permit No. 1
Baldwin, IL 62217
St. John Ev. Lutheran Church

P. O. Box 162

Baldwin, IL 62217-0162


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