Friday, June 8, 2018

“God’s Economic Plan of Salvation,” John 3.1-17, Trinity Sunday May ’18

1.                   Grace, mercy and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  The message for this day in which we celebrate our Holy God— Father, Son and Holy Spirit comes from the Gospel of John that was read a moment ago:  John 3:1-17.  It’s entitled, “God’s Economic Plan of Salvation.”  Dear brothers and sisters in Christ.  A 20th Century Christian leader once said, “Every day is a good day to be born, every day is a good day to die.”  What does this Christian leader mean?  This Christian leader is saying that on the day of our baptisms we were born again to become children of God.  Through baptism we were cleansed of our sins, given the gift of faith through the power of the Holy Spirit, and promised eternal life.  On this day, Trinity Sunday we remember who our God is.  He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  This is the name of God that we were baptized in.   

2.                   Yet, this is confusing for us as Christians at times.  How can God be one, when we confess that He’s three persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit?  He’s three in one and one and three.  To many other religions we Christians look like polytheists.  A polytheist is someone who worships more than one God.  But, as we confessed our belief in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, using the words of the Athanasian Creed we believe that God is three distinct persons in one divine substance.  This is a mystery to us as Christians, but God never intended for us as His creatures to fully understand everything about Him.  He’s the Creator, we’re the created.  It’s not for us to know all the things about God, but for us to believe in Him through the power of the Holy Spirit.  

3.                   God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are deeply involved in our lives as Christians.  God the Heavenly Father is our Creator.  We confess and believe that He’s given to us our bodies and souls.  The gift of life.  But, we know as Christians, because of the disobedience of our first parents—Adam and Eve, that we were born into original sin.  It’s because of this that we need Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity.  He’s the one who has Redeemed us of our sins by taking on the punishment of sin that we deserved.  That’s what Redeemed means.  Jesus has “bought us back” from sin.  That’s why the words of the 20th century Christian leader ring true:  “Every day is a good day to be born, every day is a good day to die.”  Every day is a good day to be born and die, because of the gift of eternal life that we have in Jesus Christ our Savior.  Last Sunday we celebrated the festival of Pentecost.  It’s Christmas, Easter and Pentecost that give our lives meaning.  This meaning comes through the power of the Holy Spirit who sanctified and “set us apart” from the rest of the world.  He does this through the Word of God and through the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

4.                   John 3:1-17 is one of the best Scripture verses to teach us about God’s Economic plan of salvation.  Maybe you’ve been wondering why I call it economic.  Well, here’s why.  The word economic comes from the Greek word oikonwmia, which literally means, “to administer or oversee.”  God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit watch over us and oversee everything that goes on in our lives in order to make sure that our plan of salvation is secure.  Father, Son and Holy Spirit protect us from the ways and attacks of the devil, the world and our sinful nature.  Each person of the Trinity has a specific task to do in order to assure us of the gift of eternal life. 

5.                   John 3:1-17 begins with a Jewish leader named Nicodemus who comes to Jesus at night in order to check up on Him as the new rabbi in town.  Nicodemus is an impressive Jewish leader.  He’s a Pharisee, which means in his day he was a person of rigorous piety.  They were very much a “salvation by works” party of Jews who put a lot of man-made laws in place of God’s Holy Word.  Nicodemus also may have occupied a seat on the Jewish Council of Elders known as the Sanhedrin.  Despite his credentials Nicodemus arrives at night to conduct his investigation of Jesus as a rabbi.   

6.                   Why is Nicodemus interested in secrecy?  We don’t know specifically why.  But his words to Jesus do suggest a reason for why he came at night.  In John 3:2 he says, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him."  The use of the word “We” suggests that he was speaking on behalf of the Pharisees as their representative.  Nicodemus waits carefully to see how Jesus will respond.

7.                   Jesus’ response is a very familiar Scripture verse taken from John 3:3 which says, “Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above.”  What does this being “born from above” mean?  This really puzzles Nicodemus and sounds to him like a MASHAL, which is a Hebrew word meaning, “a puzzling Jewish riddle.”  How can anyone be born after growing old?  Reentering our mother’s womb is a physical impossibility.  But Jesus responds to Nicodemus’ questions by saying in John 3:5-12, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.  You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.' The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." "How can this be?" Nicodemus asked. "You are Israel's teacher," said Jesus, "and do you not understand these things? I tell you the truth, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony. I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?

8.                   In these verses it’s interesting to note that Jesus responds by speaking about the work of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit works like the wind, which blows wherever it pleases.  So it is with faith.  The Holy Spirit gives faith to whomever He pleases when a person hears the Word of God and believes it.  And when a person receives the gift of Holy Baptism.  Jesus is baffled that Nicodemus, a teacher of the Law of Moses, doesn’t understand God’s economic plan of salvation.  The key word in this verse in Greek is anwqen, which means “from above or again.”  Jesus isn’t talking about a physical birth, but a spiritual or heavenly birth from “ABOVE.”  As the word anwqen means.

9.                   The words, “Born again” to us mean that we have no choice in the matter of our salvation.  Babies don’t decide to be born, because God is the one who gives them life.  Here Jesus is saying that God is the primary player when it comes to our salvation.  It’s here that Jesus is focusing on the spiritual birth of the Christian.  He shows how we can detect the presence of the Spirit in someone’s life.  One of the best ways we can see this is in the life of Nicodemus himself.  The next time we see him is in John 7 when the chief priests and Pharisees are trying to get Jesus arrested.  As the temple authorities rebuke the police, first for not nabbing Jesus and second for not knowing the law, Nicodemus speaks up and defends Jesus with his knowledge of the law.  The final time that he shows up in John’s Gospel is in John 19 when he goes with Joseph of Arimathea to embalm the body of Jesus after He has died.  The story of Nicodemus shows that something has happened in the life of this Pharisee.  He’s heard the comments that Jesus made about the Spirit from John 3 and come to believe in Him as his Savior.  He’s been “born again”—anwqen.   He’s gone from being a skeptic of this Rabbi Jesus’ teachings to a believer.

10.               In John 3 all three persons of the Trinity are at work here.  The Holy Spirit is the one who makes us Children of God.  He’s the one who makes us “born again” from heaven.  The Father was at work begetting and sending Jesus His Son.  And the Son testified to the Father and the Spirit with the words that He spoke to Nicodemus that night.  In these verses of Scripture the actions of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are focused on His desire to be near us, engage us and shape us to be His Heavenly Children. 

11.                John 3:16 is a familiar verse to all of us as Christians— I’d like you to recite it our loud with me, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  This verse is what Martin Luther called, “The Gospel in Brief.”  The thrust behind God’s desire to see us “born again” of the Holy Spirit is love.  God’s love is shown through Jesus in a sweeping manner by sending His Son to this earth to suffer and die for your sins, the sins of Nicodemus, and for me.  Because we‘ve been “born again” through the waters of Holy Baptism and through the hearing of God’s Word we can say as the 20th century Christian leader said,” Every day is a good day to be born, every day is a good day to die.” In Jesus we have the certainty of eternal life and in each person of the Trinity we have been assured us of this FACT.  AMEN.             

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