Thursday, May 26, 2011

St. John Baldwin August 2009 Newsletter

St. John Ev. Lutheran Church, LCMS Newsletter                       P.O. Box 162, Baldwin, Illinois 62217-0162 (618) 785-2344              
        Pastor John M. Taggatz,          Carol Wentz, Secretary
August, 2009                                                    Lela Rehmer, Custodian         Kevin Kahle, Groundskeeper      
                                                                                                        Church E-mail:;
                                                                                                        Church Web Site:

Serving on the Altar Guild for August are: Marla Huebner & Connie Buch

Ushers for the Month of August are: Connie Buch, Richard Buch, Dan hartmann, Charlotte Liefer, Dale Luthy & David Piel

June, 2009           

TOTAL RECEIPTS                        $10,465.72

Total Personnel Expenses                   6,220.91

Parochial School Tuition                   

District-Synod Missions                      1,820.00   

Operating & Misc. Expenses              4,337.40

TOTAL EXPENSES                          12,378.31




(618) 785-2344           (or)

(618) 785-2602

-When a member of your family is admitted to the hospital, so a visit can be made by Pastor Taggatz.

- When your group plans to hold a meeting, so it can be cleared and placed on the church calendar.

-When your home or business phone number is changed, so church records can be corrected.

- When you are planning to move either out of town or locally.

- When you know you are pregnant so that we will be able to assist you in any way we can with prayers, encouragement and support.

- When a new baby arrives in your family or in the family of another church member.

- When you are planning a wedding or baptism.

“Why Go to Church?”

                Have you ever had anyone tell you, “I don’t have to go to church to be a Christian, after all, the church is full of hypocrites.”  Is there some truth to this statement?  In a sense yes, after all, Martin Luther and other reformers believed that we are simultaneously saints and sinners. Paul’s writing in Romans 7 illustrates that for us.  But, what about the other part of the statement?  Could it be true that you don’t have to go to church to be a Christian?  Well, I guess this statement could be true if you were the only person on a deserted island and there was no opportunity for you to go to church.  Or, if you were a Christian in a Muslim or Hindu country where there isn’t a local church for you to attend.  But, what about those people who do have the opportunity to attend a conservative church that proclaims Christ and Him crucified?  What does the Bible say about attending church?  We’ll cover that issue today.

                The first thing that we want to look at is, “What do the Scriptures say about attending church.  They teach that the Christian life is to be lived within the environment of a Christian congregation as Ephesians 3:4-15 and Acts 2 tell us.  In fact, the Bible knows nothing of lone-ranger Christians!  Far from being saved as rough individuals, we are born into a body of believers through baptism with Jesus Christ as our head and leader.  That’s why Hebrews 10:25 says, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing.”

                I would also encourage you to read questions 35-40 (on the third commandment) in Luther's Small Catechism with Explanation.  There it explains that according to the New Testament the Sabbath was a sign pointing to Jesus, who is our rest. Since Jesus has come as our Savior and Lord, God no longer requires us to observe any one particular day for worship (whether Saturday, Sunday, or some other day; see Col. 2:16-17; Rom. 14:5-6; Gal. 4:10-11). But, Scripture does stress the importance of corporate worship (Acts 2:42, 46; Heb. 10:25), and the first Christians chose Sunday as their regular day of worship because it was the day on which Jesus rose from the dead (Luke 24:1-2; Acts 20:7).

                With very few exceptions (e.g., the Seventh Day Adventist Church), the entire Christian church has continued this tradition of worshipping on Sunday, recognizing that worshipping on Sunday (or any other specific day) is not required by God, but that it is helpful for the sake of good order and in remembrance of Christ's resurrection.

                The second reason we should attend church is that spiritual growth is impossible apart from membership in a church that teaches right Christian doctrine.  Our Lord gave the means of grace of Word and Sacrament to be freely given within His Church.  It is through these means of grace that we are nurtured and fed in our faith and receive the forgiveness of sins.  That’s why it is crucial that we follow the example of the early Christians who as Acts 2:42 says, “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”

                Third, while it is in the church that we enter into worship. Experience fellowship and are equipped to witness our Christian faith, we must remember that church membership does not save us.  As has often been said before, just walking into a church does not make you a Christian any more than walking into a garage makes you a car or a lawn mower.  We are rescued from God’s wrath, declared righteous before God and forgiven of our sins solely by God’s grace, through faith, on account of Jesus Christ and His death on the cross for our sins (Rom. 1:17; 3:21-4:8; Eph. 2:8-9).

                I hope that this little article helps you to understand the importance of attending Church.  I pray that it will give you a further reason to thank and praise God that He gives to us the opportunity to give Him worship, honor and praise as our Lord and Savior and a reason to defend why we go to worship Him. 

See You in Church,


Pastor Taggatz

Giving an Obligation or Opportunity?

                As the Apostle Paul traveled to churches, he collected offerings for the Christians in Jerusalem who were experiencing hard economic times.  When Paul was speaking to the Corinthians, he used the Macedonian believers as an example of people who, in spite of their own economic troubles, gave joyfully to the distressed Christians in Jerusalem.  The Macedonians’ love for Christ and their concern for their fellow believers moved them to give beyond their ability.  The Macedonians “gave themselves first to the Lord,” Paul said, and then, they “urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints” (2 Corinthians 8:4).  It was the grace of God at work, prompting their giving.  In Christ, they saw their giving as an opportunity to help other believers in need.

                Does someone who views giving as an obligation plead for the opportunity to give?  Probably not.  When giving is an obligation, we will give, but giving as an obligation will not give us the joy or the attitude of pleading for the privilege to give that the Macedonians had.  As God’s people, we have both an obligation and an opportunity.  Scripture is clear that we are called to give.  Paul said, “On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made” (1 Corinthians 16:2). 

                Giving is an obligation, but, just as God changed the hearts and minds of the Macedonian people, He changes us so our giving becomes an opportunity rather than an obligation.  As renewed and changed people, our attitude toward giving changes from a “got to” to a “get to” attitude.  We stop giving grudgingly, and we start giving willingly and cheerfully.  We want to give, because giving is an expression of our love and gratitude to God for Who He is and what He does for us.  The more we give of ourselves and our gifts the closer our relationship with Christ becomes and the more we want to give, and the more God blesses us which enables our continued giving.  “You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God” (2 Corinthians 9:11). 

                These are difficult economic times.  As responsible stewards, we look for areas where we can cut back in our spending.  If you’re considering a reduction in your giving to the Lord, read 2 Corinthians 8-9.  Go to the Lord in prayer and ask Him what He would have you do.  Then give as you are able, thanking God for the opportunity and privilege to be a part of His mission on Earth.

Do You Have a Question?  There are tracts in the narthex that may be able to help…  Take a moment as you come into church to check out the Lutheran Hour Ministries tract rack.  These pamphlets are free for you to take home.  You may see one that would be interesting, maybe not for yourself, but for a friend or relative who is experiencing or questioning a particular topic.

New topics are added throughout the year.  The newest pamphlet added to the rack is entitled, “Why do Bad Things Happen?”  If you are interested in a particular subject that’s not on the rack, please contact Pastor Taggatz.

We Remember in Our Prayers— Pray for Ronald Sommer, as he continues to recover from his surgery.  We also pray for Laverne Falkenhein, who currently is currently under medical care, and for Clifford Luthy who was recently hospitalized and for John Eggerding, who is battling a serious illness.  We also pray for all those in our congregation and our nation who are without current employment, that God would enable them to stand up under his everlasting arms in this time of trial and that He would graciously, according to His will, find new employment for them.     

ATTENTION PRE-CONFIRMANDS & CONFIRMANDS—There will be a special meeting for you and your parents on Wednesday Aug. 19th @ 7pm to discuss the acolyting schedule and the schedules for confirmation and pre-confirmation. 

There will be a special congregational meeting after the worship service August 2nd to discuss more repairs to the steeple.

A big “thank you” to all the volunteers who helped with Vacation Bible School. There were 26 children present and the offering was sent to Tim and Lisa Beckendorf of Lutheran Bible Translators.

FYI – Please remember to be careful with your individual communion cups so they don’t drip onto the carpet.  Thank you for your help in this matter.

The Ameren Illinois Utilities— are introducing a rate relief program targeted for individuals who are unemployed due to a recent lay-off. If anyone would like an application for this program there are forms on the table in the back of church.

LARGE PRINT BULLETINS—We are now starting to offer a few large print bulletins during our worship services.  If you would like one, just ask an usher and he/she will show you where they are in the back of the church.

TREADMILL FOR THE MIND...Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken and produced by Lutheran Public Radio. Topics include: God's Will for Your Daily Life, Depression, Contemporary Worship, Elijah, Cohabitation and more. You can listen LIVE weekdays from 4-5 p.m. on KSIV, 1320 AM in St. Louis. You can also listen to what you want when you want at

NEW LUTHERAN STUDY BIBLE THROUGH CPHCheck out a sampling of the New Lutheran Study Bible that will be coming out through CPH in October of 2009.  It’s the first thoroughly Lutheran Study Bible in English put together by a huge list of Lutheran scholars.  If you’re interested about the Study Bible please look in the back of the church.

LYF UPDATE—We will begin meeting again on Sunday September 13th after church from 11:30am-1pm.  This will be an important meeting for both youth and parents who want to go to the National Youth Convention in July of 2010.  All youth who want to attend are asked to be at the meeting and to bring their parents.

Larry Erdmann has been nominated by our congregation to be a possible lay delegate at our 2010 National Convention next year in October.

 Our Circuit Forum to prepare for the Convention is set to convene on Sunday, September 27, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. The location will be at St. Peter in Evansville.



COSLHS DVD: The school is looking for videos of events at the school to make a DVD.  Please call if you have any we may use.

MATCHING FUND: We have received $42,190.00 toward the $75,000 Matching Fund, as of July 13.  Upon receipt of the matching funds we will be able to work on the science room.

Laborers for Christ: Thanks to everyone who has been helping the Laborers for Christ.  Air conditioners and furnaces are being put in at this time.  Please try and help if at all possible. It is very exciting to know that God has blessed us so well.

Rummage Sale:  If you have items to donate you may bring them to the gym by Aug. 3rd. The Rummage Sale will start Aug. 13.  There will be lots of work to do to get ready.  This is a good job to help with (air conditioned gym) and view the items before any one else.  More information to follow as to times we will be open for sales and so fourth.

Walk/Run:  Evansville Days walk/run will be held on Saturday August 15 at the City Park.  If you would like information please call Glenn Koester @282-3609 or school @ 853-7300

Wish list:  Church benches for the new building, cabinets, or someone to help build cabinets, and shelves (free standing or built in),

Prayer requests for:

·         All who are sick, hurting, or just need prayers.

·         The congregations and their members as they consider their part in the continued “Walk of Faith” program.

·         The matching funds, as we have not reached our goal.

·         Laborers for Christ and others as they work on the new building.

·         Thank you for the improvement of Mr. Rodney Jackson’s health, (We heard he got to come home this past week)

Southern Illinois District Update on the Mission Opportunities that are Taking place in Southern Africa:

It has taken longer to start up this communication than I had hoped, so what follows is a summary of a number of things that have happened over the past several months.  We thank you for your partnership and say with Paul that what we earnestly desire is pray for us, “making supplication for all the saints…  that words may be given…boldly to proclaim the mystery of the Gospel…”  (Ephesians 6:18-19)

Here are some prayer requests that we ask you to keep in your hearts and in your prayers.

1.                  Mr. Masibi who visited many of our congregations and schools in March.  Upon returning home to South Africa; after a Church Council meeting; was returning home and stopped to help another motorist.  He was hit by another driver who was not paying attention.  His injuries were serious and he was in the hospital for some time.  Mr. Masibi has now returned home from the hospital and is telling everybody what God has done for him.  Keep him in your prayers for continued healing.

2.                  The Botswana Diocese has been going through some restructuring.  Some pastors have left for other congregations and they have had to work hard to find pastors to come in and continue God’s work.  Pray for these pastors as they take up the work.  Especially pray for two who are just recently graduated from the seminary.  Pray for Pastor Mosenogi who set aside being the dean of the Gauteng Diocese to be a pastor in Botswana where there was a great need.

3.                  At the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Pretoria.  Pray for the students as they continue their studies.  There is a Lutheran Theological Conference coming up (August 11-14).  Pray for all who gather there to be enriched by God’s Word, and emboldened to proclaim God’s word of Life in Jesus.

4.                  Pray for Student Gemah P. F. Ballah and for his family.  His wife and daughter robbed and physically harmed.  As he returns home may God go with him, give him strength and wisdom that God who comforts may make him able to comfort others.

5.                  Pray for Musawenkosi Mutambo, Eliot Sithole & Ernst-Alfred Weber.  They are working on a new translation of the Bible into the Zulu language.

6.                  Ask for God’s blessings on Rev Jerome Wamaala who has graduated and has now returned to Uganda.

7.                  Pray for Rev Danisa.  He is now the acting dean of LCSA Gauteng Diocese.

8.       Pray for Tim and Lisa Beckendorf and give thanks for the things that have been done through them:  The Translation work continues.  The Production of a Kwedam funeral booklet.  Thank God for continued good health and for the commitment of the translating team.

9.                  Pray for the people of the Okovanga Delta area to be hungry for literacy and for God’s Word.

10.               Thank God for the visit of Bishop Tswaedi to the states in June, and for his safe travel.

Pastor Mark Willig (1 Corinthians 2:2)

Lighter Fare

A Band Aid…

I had to have blood drawn at the doctor's office, and my five-year-old daughter, Mary, came along. When the nurse held up the needle, Mary never blinked. When she inserted the needle into my arm, Mary watched with interest. As the blood began to flow, my daughter acted as if she'd seen this a million times. Finally Mary winced on my behalf when the nurse, the procedure over, reached into her pocket and pulled out something my daughter did associate with pain: a Band-Aid.

Terri Pelger, Alliance, Ohio

Deliver us from e-mail…

As a teacher, I've overheard a lot of interesting things from my students. For instance, when Andrew, age 5 and very much into computers, was saying the Lord's Prayer, he did well till near the end when he said, "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from e-mail."

Gusty Chartrand, Lampman, Saskatchewan

I Wish I Could Double-Click You!

Our preschooler, Morgan, really was excited about our new home computer. We didn't know how special it was until we overheard her say, hugging her favorite teddy bear, "Oh, Grizzwald, I love you so much. I wish I could double click you!"

Sharon Jones, Nantucket, Massachusetts

Ludicrous Satan…

A friend teaching the 7th grade Bible class at a Christian school told her students that Adam and Eve weren't the first ones who chose to sin. She asked her students, "Who was Satan before he fell?"

Savannah's hand shot up. "I know his name! He was Ludicrous!"

Elsi Dodge, Boulder, Colorado

Go In Peace…

An hour of Sunday school and an hour or more of worship can tire out an eight-year-old. Our son Tim was no exception.

When his Sunday school teacher asked the children to draw a picture of what they most liked about church, Tim drew the pastor standing in front of the congregation with outstretched arms. When asked what part of church that represented, he replied, "That's when pastor says, 'Go in peace.'"
Jim Lagoe, Anacortes, Washington

What Happened to the Flea…

Telling the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, a teacher said, "Lot was warned to take his wife and flee out of the city. Lot got away safely, but his wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt." When she asked if the children had any questions, one young boy asked, "What happened to the flea?"

Gail Nesbitt, Greenville, South Carolina

Remember:  Every 3rd Sunday of the month we are praying for people who are in the military.  If you have a relative or friend who is an armed serviceman and woman in our Nation’s military please let the Church know so that we may be able to pray for them on the third Sunday of the month.

Sermon Series on the Ten Commandments—This summer we will be having a sermon series on the 10 Commandments.  The sermon series is entitled:  “Accent the Positive.”  This is a breakdown of the sermon series that we will be covering:

  1. Sun. Aug. 2nd—Fourth Commandment: Protect the Home (Exodus 20:12)
  2. Sun. Aug. 9th—Fifth Commandment: Preserve Life (Exodus 20:13)
  3. Sun. Aug. 16th –Sixth Commandment: Honor Marriage (Exodus 20:14)
  4. Sun. Aug. 23rd—Seventh Commandment: Esteem Property (Exodus 20:15)
  5. Sun. Aug. 30th—Eighth Commandment: Protect Reputation (Exodus 20:16)
  6. Sun. Sept. 6th—Ninth and Tenth Commandments: Serve Your Neighbor (Exodus 20:17)

New LUTHERANS FOR LIFE Chapter—If you would like to be involved in future meetings/events, or if you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Becker-Roscow at 618-282-5343 or

Picture at Left:  Pastor Todd Wilken (host of Issues Etc.) 

THE NEW ISSUES ETC. JOURNAL—If you would like to pick up a new copy of the Issues Etc. journal there are copies in the back of the church for you.  Topics in this journal include:  Sheep Don't Keep Track,” Pastor Wilken answers questions like, "What are the Christian's good works good for?" or "Is the Christian life all about measuring your personal moral progress?" This article is especially needful now, since popular "outcome-based ministries" are encouraging Christians to trust in their own good works rather than in Christ.  The article, Never Sorry Enough” tells the story of Pastor George Borghardt's journey from the frying pan of Roman Catholic works-righteousness, to the fire of pop-Evangelical works-righteousness, and then finally to freedom and certainty of the forgiveness of sins in Jesus Christ.


Monday Night (7pm)

Our Monday night Bible Study will begin again on Monday August 10th.  Our study will be announced in the bulletin within the next few weeks.

Sunday Mornings (8:45 a.m.)

          From Terror to Triumph

                Location:  Church

                Lead By:  Pastor Taggatz

In this Bible class we will go through an overview of the victories and the tribulations that the Christian Church has witnessed in its 2000 year history.  In this 12 part series we will look to the solution to the pessimistic and defeatist mentality that pervades modern Christian teaching today.  Topics include, The Battle Plan for the Ages, The Rise and Fall of Rome, Lighting the Dark Ages, Christianity under Siege, Heroes of the Middle Ages, Divine Right Kings, Truth Triumphs over Tyrants, The French Revolution, The American Revolution, The Century of Genocide, Christianity Spreads, & The Stage is Set for Victory.


Emma Rehmer                            Laverne Falkenhein

203 S. Johnson St.                       202 W. Chestnut St

New Athens, IL 62264                 Baldwin, IL 62217


Edmund & Lucille Buch                    Zuehla Rowold      

Red Bud Nursing Home                     202 W. Chestnut

350 W. South 1st                                                Baldwin, IL


Red Bud, IL 62278

Church Council Minutes

July 14, 2009



Present—   Dave Stahre, Linda Schoenbeck, Brian Schoenbeck, Dennis Wegener, Susan Piel, Pastor Taggatz, Mark Schoenbeck, Terry Rehmer, Darla Porter.   Guest:  Randall Warnecke.

The meeting was called to order by Pres. Terry Rehmer.

Guest, Randall Warnecke was recognized.  Mr. Warnecke presented a bid for steeple repair.  All loose slate would be re secured and all missing slate replaced.  Installation of new aluminum ridge caps to guard against rainwater penetration.     All work would be done by means of a man lift.   The bid was $12,870.00,   Mr. Warnecke also present a bid of $1,280.00 for lightning protection.

Devotions were given by Pastor Taggatz.

Minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved.

Financial Secretary's Report:  Total receipts $10,465.72, June, 2009.

Treasurer's Report:  Ending monthly balance, $24,827.33, June, 2009.

Elders:  Discussing topics and schedules for Bible study that would be of more interest to the congregation.  

Church Properties:  Sub pump in school basement has been replaced.

Awaiting a return call from Carroll Pest Control regarding termites.

Two bids were received for plumbing work at Parsonage following the sewer back-up.   Poletti's bid $1,104.70 - Back flow preventer in main line.   Candler's bid $850.00 - Back flow preventer.   The town of Baldwin is currently working on the lagoon to prevent back ups.  Trustees recommend waiting for the town to complete their work.   This should prevent any future back ups.

Storm door at Parsonage was fixed.

The vestry ceiling is leaking.   Trustee investigating.

Steeple repair was discussed.   All bids received were reviewed.  A congregational meeting is scheduled for August 2nd.   Hand outs regarding repairs needed will be given at the meeting.

Sub pump drainage will be repaired in school and church this fall.

COSLHS:  $50,000.00 was received for the general fund.  Twenty-four students are projected for the 2009-2010 school year.  A recruitment DVD is being developed.

Christian Education:  VBS is this week.  Twenty-six students are enrolled.

Pastor's Report: 

We Remember in our Prayers— Pray for Ronald Sommer, as he continues to recover from his surgery.  We pray for Corey Seders as he deals with an illness.  We also pray for Laverne Falkenhein who currently is hospitalized and for John Eggerding, who was recently diagnosed with a serious illness.  We pray for Nicholas & Hannah Koester at the birth of their baby girl Taylor in a prayer of thanksgiving for this new life, along with Josh & Mary Wirth who celebrated the birth of their baby boy Jackson and for Larry & Bev Erdmann who celebrate the birth of his grandson Benjamin Lee.  We also pray for all those in our congregation who are without current employment, that God would enable them to stand up under his everlasting arms in this time of trial and that He would graciously, according to His will, find new employment for them.   


                PALS (Post-Seminary Applied Learning and                                 Support) MEETING—next one will be on Thur.                           Sept. 3rd…(this will be my 3rd year of belonging                      to this, also my last year)

                -Attended the COSLHS Board Meeting on                                    Thursday. July 9th (next meeting on Thur. Aug.                             13th) (will attend—I will be a Pastoral Delegate                      for the COSLHS board for the next year)

                -Will be filling in for Pastor John Lukomski on                              his calls from July 13th-28th

                        --I am leading the opening services for VBS at                              St. John July 12th -16th  

                                -I will be helping with the designation                                              of the classroom building for COSLHS                             in August. 

                -4th Wednesday of the month @ 2pm leading                               worship at Randolph County Care Center

                -Various Hospital and homebound calls

-1 Counseling sessions


                -Mia Poston and Andy Jones—Sunday          June 7th

                 -I am going to be doing Corey &     Jennifer Seders Affirmation of         Marriage service on Sat. Aug. 8th

- Youth Events—

                -Grizzlies Baseball Game—Friday July 17th

                -The kids mentioned that they wanted to go to             Gilbert and Julia Kahle's house again in the Fall           for fishing etc...

VBS—We currently have 26 kids enrolled in VBS this year.  The kids are having a fun and exciting time learning more about how Jesus makes all things new!  The closing for VBS will be this coming Thur. at 7:30pm and the kids will be singing in church on Sunday morning.

125th Anniversary of our church

                -we decided that it would be a good idea to have         a special Sunday morning service to celebrate              this event, to invite people who have                 been our past pastors and teachers to attend as           well.  We’ve asked Pastor Clifford   Adair to be            our guest preacher and we’re planning on             asking Pastor Merlin Wegener to be our guest               liturgist.  A special supper after the service is                planned.  We are looking to have this on the 1st           Sunday in October (October 4th).

2009 Bi-Circuit Reformation Service—The circuit pastors have asked that our next Bi-Circuit Reformation service would be held here at St. John next October on Sunday Oct. 25th, 2009 at 7pm.  Pastor Larry Vogel will be our guest preacher… 

New LUTHERANS FOR LIFE Chapter—If you would like to be involved in future meetings/events, or if you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Becker-Roscow at 618-282-5343 or

I Want to Encourage all of you to attend Bible Study on Sunday Mornings—do any of you have any suggestions as to a better time to have Bible study during the week or on the weekend?  I looking for more ways to plug people into God’s Word.  If any of you have any suggestions on Topics to study from God’s Word or to talk about the main issues confronting Christians today please let me know.  I’ve also been thinking about having an “Ask the Pastor” night a few nights during the year where I can answer people’s questions regarding certain things.

Upcoming Circuit Forum to prepare for National Convention—(Larry Erdmann has asked to be nominated as a possible lay delegate for our 2010 National Convention, which is Oct. 10th, 2009.  One Pastor and one lay delegate will go from our circuit.)  The Circuit Forum will be on Sunday, September 27, 2009, at 7:00 p.m at St. Peter’s, Evansville.

This National convention will be heavy on consideration of structure and governance, so it will be helpful if delegates can deal with constitutional and bylaws language (and are perceptive of consequences, both intended and unintended).

Our regional caucus is scheduled for Friday-Saturday, February 19-20, 2010, somewhere in St. Louis. The caucus will start at 1:00 p.m. on Friday and end at noon on Saturday.

Motion was made and seconded to nominate Larry Erdmann for lay delegate for the 2010 National Convention.  Motion carried.

Old Business:  A thank you was received from the Baldwin Firehouse regarding the copy machine purchase.   The firehouse appreciated the reasonable price.

New Business:  The Alan Luthy Schlorship Fund is receiving applications for the next school year for COSLHS.  Please contact the Stewardship Committee.

Church office hours are Wednesday, and Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. during the summer months.

Applications for electricity assistance/grants from Ameren will be in available in the back of the church.

The church carpet is in need of cleaning.   Bids will be received for the job.   All communicants are asked to use care in holding and placing the individual communion cups to help prevent carpet staining.

Motion was made to adjourn.

The meeting was closed with prayer.

Pres. Terry Rehmer

Sec. Darla Porter

We Believe, Teach and Confess.


The Marriage of Priests

Introductory Note:  Prior to the Reformation, the practice had developed of withholding the consecrated wine from the laity during the Lord’s Supper. Only the consecrated bread was distributed to them. However, priests who celebrated Mass drank from the cup. Theories developed within the Church to help support this practice. One stated that the bread alone was enough for the laity, since Christ’s body must also contain His blood. The practice of withholding the cup from the congregation was clearly contrary to Scripture and was an insult to God’s royal priests—all those who trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sins. The Early Church Fathers spoke about all of God’s people receiving both “kinds,” or elements, of this Holy Meal. (See also Ap XXII; SA III VI; FC Ep VII and SD VII.)


The laity are given both kinds in the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper because this practice has the Lord’s command, “Drink of it, all of you” (Matthew 26:27). 2 Christ has clearly commanded that all should drink from the cup.

And lest anyone misleadingly say that this refers only to priests, in 1 Corinthians 11:27 Paul cites an example. From this it appears that the whole congregation used both kinds.  This practice has remained in the Church for a long time. It is not known when, or by whom, or by whose authority, it was changed. Cardinal Cusanus mentions the time when it was approved.  Cyprian in some places testifies that the blood was given to the people.  Jerome testifies to the same thing when he says, “The priests administer the Eucharist and distribute the blood of Christ to the people.”  Indeed, Pope Gelasius commands that the Sacrament not be divided (dist. II., De Consecratione, cap. Comperimus).  Only a recent custom has changed this.

 It is clear that any custom introduced against God’s commandments is not to be allowed, as Church law bears witness (dist. III., cap. Veritate, and the following chapters).  This custom has been received, not only against the Scripture, but also against old canon law and the example of the Church.  Therefore, if anyone preferred to use both kinds in the Sacrament, they should not have been compelled to do otherwise, as an offense against their conscience.  Because the division of the Sacrament does not agree with the ordinance of Christ, it is our custom to omit the procession [with the host], which has been used before.


Ap Apology of the Augsburg Confession

SA Smalcald Articles

FC Ep  Formula of Concord:  Epitome

SD  Solid Declaration of Formula of Concord

Concordia : The Lutheran Confessions. Edited by Paul Timothy McCain. St. Louis, MO : Concordia Publishing House, 2005, S. 45

August Birthdays—We’ve begun to acknowledge our member’s birthdays, which we’ll be doing every month from now on.  If you look through this list and find that your birth date is in error or missed, please let us know.  J  God’s blessings to you all on your birthdays! 

Brad Schwartzkopf

Jennifer Seders

Robert Sommer

James Spier

Carlene Stolte

Debra Tuthill

Scott Tuthill

Dennis Wegener

Richard Wirth

Gena Triefenbach


Corey & Jennifer Seders                     8/6/1999

Corey & Lana Roscow                       8/6/1994

Scott & Debra Tuthill                          8/31/1985

Don’t forget - Starting on the 6th of September the Worship Service will be going back to 10:00 a.m. with the Adult bible Class starting at 8:45 a.m. (Sunday School will begin on Sunday September 6th.

If you would like to have some fun in October there is a musical comedy called Church Basement Ladies coming to the Marion Cultural & Civic Center Wed, Oct. 7th at 7:30, Thursday at 2 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. and Friday at 7:30 p.m. or the Shryock Auditorium in Carbondale Sunday Oct. 11th at 2 p.m. William Christopher who played Father Mulcahy on Mash” will be the featured star. For more information call 618-453-6000. If you have a church group of 15 or more you can get your tickets half price.

Non-Profit Org.
Permit No. 1
Baldwin, IL 62217
St. John Ev. Lutheran Church

P. O. Box 162

Baldwin, IL 62217-0162



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