Pastor John M. Taggatz, Jenna Otten, Secretary
October, 2012 Lela
Rehmer, Custodian Kevin Kahle, Groundskeeper
Church E-mail:;
Web Site:

![]() |
on the Altar Guild for October are:
Linda & Toni
Ushers for the Month of October are: Larry Erdmann, Kevin Luthy, Terry Rehmer, Cory Rehmer,
Brian Scheonbeck, Bruce Schoenbeck, Wes Stellhorn, Dennis Wegener
(618) 785-2344 (or)
(618) 785-2602
-When a member of your family is
admitted to the hospital, so a visit can be made by Pastor Taggatz.
- When your group plans to hold a meeting, so it can be cleared
and placed on the church calendar.
-When your home or business phone number or address is changed, so
church records can be corrected.
- When you are planning to move either out of town or locally.
- When you know you are pregnant
so that we will be able to assist you in any way we can with prayers,
encouragement and support.
- When a new baby arrives in your
family or in the family of another church member.
- When you are planning a wedding or baptism.
Church Information—
Pastor’s E-mail:
Pastor Taggatz on
Twitter: @jtaggatz
Pastor Taggatz’s
“In Season and Out of Season”
3 begins with words familiar to much of the world: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under
Heaven.” Like it or not, the summer
season is over. Many sighed with regret
that relaxing, fun-filled, less structured days are over. Others, refreshed and invigorated, have
eagerly plunged into the routines of Fall again, excited about new challenges
and enthusiastic about projects and activities that lie ahead.
though the ebb and flow of our lives change with the variation of the seasons,
some things remain constant. One of
those constants is, of course, God’s presence with us: “I will never leave you nor forsake you,” promises the Father. “So we
can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; What can man do
to me?’” (Hebrews 13:5-6)
is God’s complete control over the seasons.
We may become impatient, but God’s timing and His response are always
right. “At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of Your steadfast love
answer me in Your saving faithfulness,” (Psalm 69:13), we boldly pray,
asking that God’s will be done.
constant is the privilege to be about our Father’s business. As long as we remain on earth, God has a
purpose for us. The Apostle Paul exhorts
us, “Preach the Word; be ready in season
and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and
teaching” (2 Timothy 4:2). He goes
on to remind us that our words won’t always be heeded. In every season, throughout the history of
the Church, there have been scoffers and those who “will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will
accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions” (2 Timothy
4:3). We leave them to God; we are
called simply to be “ready in season and
out of season.”
Christians, we don’t go on vacation.
Wherever we are we are preaching the Word, to whomever God places around
us. The whole object of our Christian life is that God’s Word be preached and
taught. We do this directly and
indirectly. We provide the help to those
whose entire lives are given to this preaching and teaching, even as we use the
gifts God has given us to witness to His saving grace as we go about our daily
lives. “In season and out of season” we joyfully proclaim His gift of
salvation to all who will hear.
See You in Church!
Pastor Taggatz
You can learn to be content with your circumstances as you find your
rest in Christ.
“I know
what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in
every situation, whether well fed
or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want” (Philippians
It’s that time of the year
again that our congregation is asked by our Southern IL District Office to send
in the number of people who would like to subscribe to the Lutheran Witness
Magazine, our LC-MS church body’s flagship news source. If
you would like to continue to receive a copy of the Lutheran Witness as it’s
paid for by our congregation please call the church office at: 785-2344 or sign your name in the back of the
church to continue to receive the subscription for next year in 2013. If we don’t hear from you by: November 1 you
will NOT be able to get a
subscription paid for by our church, but will have to contact Concordia
Publishing House to continue to get your subscription. There is an envelope in your church offering
box that you received at the beginning of the year for the Lutheran Witness if
you would like to make a donation toward your subscription to offset the cost
that the church pays for these magazines for members of our congregation. Thank you for your response in this matter.
LWML Sunday will be on September 30th.
The Ladies Aid is going to be having a door offering on that Sunday to
support the SIGHT Ministry center, which puts together large print Christian
devotional materials (books of the Bible, hymns etc…) for those who are
visually impaired. Thank you for your
Oct. 26th @ 6pm! The
next special family night at our church will be on the fourth Friday of the
month (Oct. 26th) from 6-8:30pm.
These family nights will be informal with opportunities for the children
to play and for families to fellowship with one another while doing a variety
of activities and having a few treats as well.
At this upcoming Family Fun Night the children will be having a special
bike ride race at the St. John parking lot, as well as some treats, they are
welcome to wear their costumes as well, since it’s close to Halloween, and
there will be a special devotion from God’s Word for everyone. Come join us for a fun and exciting time!!!
All you can eat Spaghetti
and Homemade Meatballs Dinner @ St. John Sun. Oct. 14th--This will be on Sunday
Oct. 14th from 11am-1pm. $8
a plate for Adults, $4 a plate for Children 5-12, and Children 4 and under
free. This price includes all you can eat homemade spaghetti, meatballs,
Italian salad, garlic bread, dessert and a drink. Carry outs are
available, please bring your own container. Proceeds go to our local Lutheran
parochial schools for children’s tuition, there will be Thrivent matching funds
for this event. We are asking for donations of desserts. Please sign up in the
back of the church. Thanks for your support & God bless you!!!
Lutherans for Life Meeting @ St. John
Red Bud
next meeting in on Sept. 28th at 6:30 the St. John SCHOOL LIBRARY in Red
Bud. We will still be viewing the documentary BLOOD MONEY -- an insider
look at the abortion industry. If you wish, please bring a snack to share.
Drinks will be provided. Hope to see
you there. New Members and Guests are always welcome.
Fox Business Channel to air
'Intersection' September 30th
Mark your calendars and grab some popcorn! On Sunday, September 30, the Fox Business Channel will air The Intersection of Church & State as paid programming. Viewing times will be 5 p.m. Eastern, 4 p.m. Central, 3 p.m. Mountain, and 2 p.m. Pacific.
The Intersection of Church & State, a production of Lutheran Hour Ministries, spends a profitable hour exploring the give-and-take relationship shared by church and state in this country. Expert commentary from clergy and government officials, lawyers, educators and social service providers offer insights and depth to the historical background and ongoing fruition of this vital liaison. Viewers are reminded that though the church-state connection can be contentious at times, enormous good is accomplished when the two work together, addressing human concerns in a collaborative manner. Program host for this election year program is the Rev. Gregory Seltz, the Speaker of The Lutheran Hour.
Mark your calendars and grab some popcorn! On Sunday, September 30, the Fox Business Channel will air The Intersection of Church & State as paid programming. Viewing times will be 5 p.m. Eastern, 4 p.m. Central, 3 p.m. Mountain, and 2 p.m. Pacific.
The Intersection of Church & State, a production of Lutheran Hour Ministries, spends a profitable hour exploring the give-and-take relationship shared by church and state in this country. Expert commentary from clergy and government officials, lawyers, educators and social service providers offer insights and depth to the historical background and ongoing fruition of this vital liaison. Viewers are reminded that though the church-state connection can be contentious at times, enormous good is accomplished when the two work together, addressing human concerns in a collaborative manner. Program host for this election year program is the Rev. Gregory Seltz, the Speaker of The Lutheran Hour.
Have you Changed your Phone Number or Address?-With
the popularity of cell phones, we are finding an increasing number of people
are dropping their local lines and switching to using only their cell phones.
If your phone number has changed, or you have a new address, please be sure to
let the church/school office know so we can change our records. Thank you.
Pastor’s Visits--Pastor makes visits to homebound
and nursing home members on a regular basis. If you or someone you know would
like to be added to his visitation list, let him know. Any member who would
like to talk with him at the Church is welcome to call the office (785-2344)
for an appointment.
The Pastor’s Study--The Pastor's Study is a symbol of the calling of the
Christian minister to be the shepherd of a flock of God. Here, sermons are
prepared to feed the congregation on God's Holy Word. Here the work of the
church is planned so that the congregation may grow in Grace and bear fruit in
Service, Fellowship, Teaching, and Witnessing. Here you will always find a
friend and counselor in time of need. He will not be surprised at your sins,
nor will he judge you on them, but he will always invite you to share with him
the wisdom and love of God, the knowledge of forgiveness of sins, and the
saving Grace of God in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Year’s Stewardship Emphasis
C.S. Lewis said, “There are two
kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom
God says, ‘All right, then, have it your way.’ ” As redeemed children of God, of course, we
desire to belong to that first category.
We long to live each day as
stewards who earnestly pray, “Thy will be done.” As God’s stewards, we are devoted to using
all that we are and have for His purpose.
We are God’s stewards each and every day.
On Sundays October 7th,
14th, & 21st, 2012 the theme of our worship services
and our Bible studies will be living
each day as a steward. We will learn
how the Holy Spirit, working through Word and Sacrament, transforms us to be
more like our Chief Steward, Jesus, Who willingly poured out His life in giving
and serving, ultimately sacrificing His very life for our eternal lives. Just as Jesus faithfully served His Father by
serving us, we are to use our lives and gifts in faithful service to Him by
serving others. “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good
stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10).
As your pastor, I pray that each
of you will take advantage of these opportunities to grow in the grace and
knowledge of your Lord that you might be strengthened in faith both for
eternity and for a fruitful life here on earth.
The three weekly themes are as follows:
Sunday Oct. 7th-- “The
Steward’s Identity”
Sunday Oct. 14th--
“The Steward’s Purpose”
Sunday Oct. 21st--
“The Steward’s Lifestyle” (Commitment Sunday)
The Apostle Paul says in 1 Cor.
15:58,“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be
steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in
the Lord your labor is not in vain.” During
our three-week program, “Living Each Day
as a Steward,” both our worship services and our adult Bible classes will
focus on the work of the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament as He teaches
us how to live each day as stewards.
Commitment Sunday will be Sunday
Oct. 21st. I’m asking that
you make a financial commitment to the Lord’s work through our church for the
coming year. Your support enables the
work of the Lord gets done day after day through our church. Please bring the enclosed commitment form to
church with you on this Sunday Oct. 21st.
God’s blessings on your continued
faithful stewardship of the blessings He has entrusted to your care.
Pastor Taggatz
We remember in our prayers—[If you would like to add to our prayer
list please call the church.]
“Pray for each
other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and
effective.” (James 5:16)
In your prayers this month,
pray for the Church; For our nation as
we prepare for another Presidential election; For those who serve in the armed
forces; For the families of our church;
For our Southern IL District Prison Ministry; For all who travel; For seasonable weather for our farmers as
they harvest their crops; For missionaries who bring God’s Word to the nations,
Rev. Tim & Lisa Beckendorf of Lutheran Bible Translators to Botwsana,
Africa & Nicole Dekker who is a missionary to South Africa. For those who are ill, awaiting, or recovering from
surgery: We pray especially for Carol
Jean Orella, Sally Fadler, Mickey Umbdenstock, Karen Willis, Linda Nagel,
Elizabeth Montroy, Lee Hogandobler, Evan Saldana, & Margaret Dixon, the
grandmother of Nicki Buch, all who are battling serious illnesses. We pray for Hayden Smith, a friend of Christa
Poynor, who is currently battling cancer.
For Greg Laufer, Elvera & Russell Mahan, Susan Reinhardt, and Krista
Hammel, that they would be healed in the midst of their illness. For all of
those who are unemployed or underemployed, that they would be able to find
suitable work to support themselves and their families. For those who are
in nursing homes or homebound.
We mourn with the families of Clinton Bremer,
who was called home to heavenly rest last month, and Rhonda Nieweglowski, upon
the death of her father, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Coke. We
pray that God the Father would comfort Clinton & Rhonda’s families with His
Son Jesus’ victory over death and with the assurance that Clinton &
Charles, who have departed in the Christian faith, have joined the whole
company of heaven in singing praises to the living Lamb who was slain; and that
they too, through faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior, will see Clinton
& Charles again and their Lord Jesus, who bled and died so that we would
have eternal life with Him in heaven.
WRITTEN IN GOD’S BOOK OF LIFE!!! Congratulations
to Megan Steibel, upon the baptism of her son Brayden, Ginny & Timothy
Higgerson, upon the baptism of their son, Bentley, and to Zachary & Deanne
Junge, upon the baptism of their daughter Ellie. Thanks be to God that these children have been
baptized into God’s family through water and the Holy Word of God!!! Praise
God from Whom all blessings flow!!!
Mornings (8:45 a.m.) “Martin Luther’s
Wednesday Mornings (10 a.m.) “Who Am I? What Am I Doing Here?”
Remember: Every 3rd Sunday of the
month we are praying for people who are in the military. If you have a relative or friend who is an
armed serviceman and woman in our Nation’s military please let the Church know
so that we may be able to pray for them on the third Sunday of the month. Also, please let us know if your family
member is no longer serving in our US Military so that we can keep our records
up to date.
Are you or a family
member…coping with grief and loss… stressed out by financial issues… dealing
with family or marital problems? Lutheran
Child and Family Services of Illinois’ professional licensed counselors can
help. They provide individual, couple, marital and family counseling to help
address these types of situations. Insurance is accepted. Call: 800-363-LCFS (5237) to
schedule a FREE confidential initial consultation. LUTHERAN CHILD & FAMILY
SERVICES IN SPARTA HAS MOVED With the closing of the Nice Twice Thrift Shop, Lutheran Child and
Family Services moved its office to 1107 N. Market in Sparta.
810 Soldiers Way, Evansville, IL 62242
618-853-7300 Fax 618-853-7361
John Christman, Principal
Found: While
cleaning the trailer, a pair of reading glasses & sunglasses were found.
Stop by school to claim them.
Coming Events:
Oct. 1 VB
away @ 6:00 pm vs. Oak Ridge, MO
Oct. 9 VB
away @ 6:30 pm vs. Marissa
Oct. 11 VB
home @ 6:30 pm vs. Governor French, Belleville
Oct. 12-14 Steeleville
Oct. 18 8th
Grade visit day
Oct. 18 VB
away @ 6:30 pm vs. Trinity Christian, Carbondale
Vision: Making Known the Love of
Mission: St. John Lutheran Church is
dedicated to the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ within its church
and into the community
Regular Council
Meeting --September 11, 2012
Present: Pastor Taggatz,
Gene Luthy, Gerald Poeniski, Marla Huebner, Susan Piel, Dennis Wegener, Marvin
Liefer, Tony Junge, Bob Wirth, Corey Roscow, Linda Schoenbeck, and Fleta Junge.
The meeting was called to order by President Gene Luthy.
Opening devotions were given by Pastor Taggatz.
Minutes from the previous meeting: Were read and approved.
Financial Secretary’s Report:
Total receipts for Aug. 2012, $11,813.51.
Treasurer’s report:
Ending balance for the general fund for Aug 2012, $8,211.30. Motion was
made and second to approve. Motion carried.
Spiritual Ministries/Elder: Membership transfer requested and
approved for Erica (Reinhardt) Kisro’s children to St. John Lutheran Church in
Chester. Motion was made and second to
grant transfer. Motion carried.
- Request for membership transfer for Rhonda and Faith
Greatting from St. John Lutheran, Sparta to St. John Lutheran, Baldwin. Motion was made and second to accept
transfer. Motion carried.
- Special meeting on September 16th to vote on a
lay delegate for the Circuit meeting to be held on September 30th. Marvin Liefer has volunteered.
- Special meeting on September 16th to vote for a
lay leader for the Doxology Session to be held in November 16 thru 18th
in Donaldson, IN.
Church Properties:
Cemetery exempt for the next four years.
- Light pole behind school should be soon.
Social Ministries:
Christian Education:
Sunday School: There are
presently 16 to 18 registered for Sunday School with six children in the
preschool class.
Stewardship: Have not
heard anymore on the Thrivent Grant for the food pantry.
Lutheran Youth Fellowship:
LYF will be holding their Chicken & Dumpling Dinner on September 16th.
- LYF meeting will be on October 7th.
- LYF Chili Dinner will be on November 4th.
Pastor’s Report:
Pastoral Acts from
Aug.15th ‘12 through Sept. 11th, 2012—
Saturday & Sunday worship responsibilities
-3 Bible Study class sessions (Sunday mornings) & 3 Wed. morning Bible
1 Pastor’s Circuit Meeting on Tue. Sept. 4th hosted by St. John Baldwin
Homebound Visits
Hospital Visits
Worship for the COSLHS Opening Service
on Sun. Aug. 19th
Spiritual Care Meetings
Funeral for Clinton Bremer on Wed. Aug. 29th
Funeral Visitations for Clinton Bremer on Tue.
Aug. 28th and Wed. Sept. 5th for Rhonda Nieweglowski’s family
Baptism planning meeting on Thur. Aug. 30th
County Nursing Home Chapel, Aug. 22nd
Meeting--Tue. Sept. 4th
Family Night @ St. John Baldwin on Friday Aug.
24th--(We had 5 adults and 7 kids in attendance)…
-for Bentley Higgerson, the son of Ginny & Tim Higgerson
will be baptized on Saturday, September 15 at 5:00 pm service.
- Christa Poynor plans on having her son, Nathan baptized
within the next few weeks.
- Ellie Marie Junge (daughter of Zachery & Deanna Junge)
will be baptized on Sunday, September 23rd, 2012.
- Special Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, September
16th to elect a lay & alternate delegate for the upcoming
Circuit Forum to be held on Sunday, September 30 at St. John Lutheran in Red
Bud at 7:00 p.m.
- Special Family Night will be on the third Friday of the
month September 21st from 6:00 to 8:30 pm.
- Door Offering for Missions at St. John Baldwin for 2012
will be:
-SIGHT Ministry Center in September
30th, 2012 for LWML Sunday.
- Giving through Thrivent Choice Program for September 2012
has amounted to $189.00. Total amount our church has received from this program
since January is $2,641.00.
- Confirmation & Pre-confirmation Instruction started on
September 5th. Those students are 8th graders--Lindsay
Harbaugh, Justin Prost and Michaela Seders; 7th graders-- Margaret
Copple and Tabitha Seders; and 6th grader--McKenna Ford.
Old Business:
New Business: Motion was
made to accept Heuman Heating & Cooling to be the contractor for the
furnaces and air conditioners. He will check and clean as needed. Costs for his
services will be $825.00. Motion was seconded and motion carried.
- October 14th, there will be a Spaghetti Dinner
to help raise money for tuition for students.
Currently there are five students at St. John Lutheran at Red Bud and
four students at Trinity Lutheran at Prairie.
- Insurance policy coverage’s and comparison of rates will
be conducted.
- Adopt-A-Student forms for Concordia Seminary St. Louis
Seminarians are available if anyone is interested.
- Altar Guild interested in purchasing new banners for
special religious holidays with vestry decoration funds if monies are available
for that usage or the possibility of memorials going toward the purchases of
- Marvin Liefer has volunteered to be a lay delegate for the
Circuit Forum.
Adjournment: Motion was
made and second to adjourn. Motion carried.
The meeting was closed prayer and with the Lord’s Prayer.
President, Gene Luthy
Secretary, Marla Huebner
Special Congregation
September 16, 2012
The meeting was called to order by Pres. Gene Luthy.
President Luthy addressed the congregation in regards to
vote for a lay delegate for the Circuit meeting to be held on September 30th.
Marvin Liefer has volunteered. Motion was made and second to
accept Marvin Liefer. Motion carried.
President Gene Luthy volunteered himself as an alternate lay
delegate for the Circuit meeting. Motion was made and second to accept Gene
Luthy. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Motion was
made and second to adjourn. Motion carried
President, Gene Luthy
Secretary, Marla Huebner
Special Council
September 16, 2012
Present: Pastor Taggatz, Gene Luthy, Marla
Huebner, Marvin Liefer and Susan Piel.
The meeting was called to order by Pres. Gene Luthy.
Harry Wetzel has volunteered to be the lay leader for the
Doxology Session to be held in November 16 thru 18th in Donaldson,
IN. Motion was made and second to accept
Harry Wetzel. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Motion was
made and second to adjourn. Motion carried.
President, Gene Luthy
Secretary, Marla Huebner
We Believe,
Teach and Confess.
Formula of
Concord: Epitome
Article 2-- Free Will
Note: Since the fall into sin, the
will of mankind is so blind and corrupt that we can choose only to do evil. We
are spiritually dead by nature, enemies of God and naturally hostile toward
Him. While we are free to choose in earthly matters, we have no power, ability,
or free will in spiritual matters. Before conversion we are entirely
incapable—in any way—of responding to or cooperating with God’s grace. After
conversion and because of Christ, the new man in us does in fact respond to and
cooperate with God the Holy Spirit. (See also AC XVIII; Ap XVIII; FC SD II.)
AC-Augsburg Confession; SA-Smalcald Articles; FC
Ep-Formula of Concord, Epitome; SD-Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration
The Chief Questions in This Controversy
1 The will of mankind is found in four different
states: (1) before the fall; (2) since the fall; (3) after regeneration; and
(4) after the resurrection of the body. The chief question in this article is
only about the will and ability of mankind in the second state. That is, what
powers in spiritual matters does a person have after the fall of our first
parents and before regeneration? Can a person by his own powers—prior to and
before his regeneration by God’s Spirit—get ready and prepare himself for God’s
grace? Can a person accept ‹and apprehend› or reject the grace offered through
the Holy Spirit in the Word and holy ‹divinely instituted› Sacraments?
The Pure
Teaching about This Article, according to God’s Word
2 1. This is
our teaching, faith, and confession on this subject: in spiritual matters the
understanding and reason of mankind are ‹completely› blind and by their own
powers understand nothing, as it is written in 1 Corinthians 2:14, “The natural
person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to
him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually
3 2.
Likewise, we believe, teach, and confess that the unregenerate will of mankind
is not only turned away from God, but also has become God’s enemy. So it only
has an inclination and desire for that which is evil and contrary to God, as it
is written in Genesis 8:21, “the intention of man’s heart is evil from his
youth.” Romans 8:7 says, “The mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God,
for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot.” Just as a dead body
cannot raise itself to bodily, earthly life, so a person who by sin is
spiritually dead cannot raise himself to spiritual life. For it is written in
Ephesians 2:5, “even when we were dead in our trespasses, [He] made us alive
together with Christ.” And 2 Corinthians 3:5 says, “Not that we are sufficient
in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from
4 3. God the
Holy Spirit, however, does not bring about conversion without means. For this
purpose He uses the preaching and hearing of God’s Word, as it is written in
Romans 1:16, the Gospel “is the power of God for salvation to everyone who
believes.” 5 Also Romans
10:17 says, “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”
It is God’s will that His Word should be heard and that a person’s ears should
not be closed (Psalm 95:8). With this Word the Holy Spirit is present and opens
hearts, so that people (like Lydia in Acts 16:14) pay attention to it and are
converted only through the Holy Spirit’s grace and power, who alone does the
work of converting a person. 6
For without His grace, and if He does not grant the increase, our willing and
running, our planting, sowing, and watering (1 Corinthians 3:5–7)—are all
nothing. As Christ says ‹in John 15:5›, “apart from Me you can do nothing.”
With these brief words the Spirit denies free will its powers and ascribes
everything to God’s grace, in order that no one may boast before God (1
Corinthians 1:29; [2 Corinthians 12:5; Jeremiah 9:23]).
Concordia : The
Lutheran Confessions. 2005 (Edited by Paul Timothy McCain) (477–479). St.
Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House.
EQUIPPING THE PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS…Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show produced by Lutheran
Public Radio and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. Topics in the
past have included: The Apocrypha, Jesus Raises a Widow’s Son, Entering the
Promised Land, Jonah, Matthew, and more. You can tune in LIVE weekdays
from 3-5 p.m. on KFUO, 850 AM in St. Louis. You can also listen on-demand
The deadline for getting articles and reports
in to be included in the Newsletter is the 18th
of every month.
Church Office Hours have changed to Monday and Tuesday from 10am -1pm
starting in May. Please get the announcements no later than 10am on
Tuesday. If you can’t get them in by that time, they will still be
announced, but will not be in the bulletin.
Thank You!
Stand to Reason
Blog: Should Homosexuals Be Allowed to Marry Whom They Love?
we really depriving homosexuals the right to marry the person they love? Yes.
But there’s nothing unusual about that. Nobody has the right to marry any person they
love. Everyone has restrictions.
you take an honest look at the marriage law, it turns out that there is nothing
unfair about it. Homosexuals have the same
rights and the same restrictions as heterosexuals. For example, there
is no legal right granted to a heterosexual that does not
apply in exactly the same way to every homosexual. Both can
marry in any state. Both can marry someone of the opposite sex. Both can
receive the benefits that come with legal marriage. Heterosexuals and
homosexuals are treated alike.
is also no legal restriction for homosexuals that does not also apply in exactly the same way to every heterosexual. Neither one can
marry their sibling. Both are prohibited from marrying someone already married.
They can’t marry a child. And neither has the freedom to marry someone of the
same sex.
The marriage law applies equally to every person,
whether they are homosexual or not. Everyone is treated the same.
cry foul, of course, because the kind of person they are legally entitled to
marry is not a person they love. They believe this is a restriction that is
limited to them. But it’s not. There isn’t a person in the United States that
has unfettered freedom to marry anyone just because they love them. There are
numerous parings of people who love each other and can’t marry.
I have a male friend who I’ve known for over a decade.
We have a long-term, committed relationship. We talk every week, we make
sacrifices to visit one another, and we’re there to meet each other’s needs.
We’re not sexually involved, but I routinely say I love him and he says the
same to me. I can’t marry him even though he’s someone I love. I’m restricted.
The state won’t recognize our relationship.
and sisters usually develop strong bonds. They love one another and often have
deep, meaningful relationships that can last a lifetime. Their commitment to
one another is significant. But they can’t marry one another. Though they love
each, they state won’t recognize their relationship. The same is true of two
brothers or two sisters.
and daughters also have long-term, committed relationships. There’s a special
bond between them that develops and lasts for years. I can say that the love I
feel towards my daughter has a unique texture to it. It’s taught me an aspect
of love that, until I had a daughter, I never experienced. There are things
that I’ve done and would do for her that virtually no one else on the planet
can make me do. And like many fathers and daughters, our special relationship could
last half a century or more. But guess what? The state doesn’t care about us as
a couple. It doesn’t matter how much we love each other. We can’t get married.
are dozens of more examples of pairs of people who develop strong, meaningful,
and long-term relationships. These people love each other, but that doesn’t
mean the state is required to recognize them within the definition of marriage.
people point out that in these examples there is no sexual activity and that’s
why it’s not the same as a homosexual pair. But why does that matter? Why do we
have to use our sex organs with one another to qualify for marriage? Isn’t it
enough that we love each other and are committed? Making sexual activity a
requirement for marriage is arbitrary.
So what do all these relationships (and many others)
have in common? None of them produce the next generation. Committed male
friends, siblings, and parent-child relationships don’t have kids.
is one kind of couple that, throughout all of human history, is known to
produce children: heterosexuals. Long-term, monogamous, heterosexual unions as a group and by nature produce the next generation. They
create families that become the building blocks of civilization. These families
are the most stable and advantageous environment for raising children.
They not only stabilize society,they make society possible. That role
can’t be underestimated.
Notice that I said, “As a group and by nature.” As a
group, heterosexual couples have kids. There may be exceptions, but the group’s
tendency is to produce children. Laws are designed to generalize for the group.
“By nature” is a reference to the fact that heterosexual unions produce
children by the natural function of their sexual activity. Unlike male friends,
siblings, and other relationship couples, it is biologically natural for
heterosexuals to produce children.
government, that normally has a hands-off policy to most relationships, gets
involved in sanctioning these long-term, heterosexual unions. It creates a
group of privileges and protections for these male-female couplings because it
recognizes their role in creating and stabilizing society.
the government doesn’t get involved in any other relationship pair. It doesn’t
legally sanction two male friends, siblings, or father-daughter relationships.
That’s because, though there are exceptions, they don’t as a group and by
nature produce the next generation. They might love each other – deeply and for
a long period of time – but that is irrelevant to the government. The state has
a concern to perpetuate and protect our civilization and that explains its
vested interested in heterosexual unions.
why does the government not sanction the relationship of two homosexual males?
For the same reason it doesn’t sanction the relationship of male friends,
siblings, or a father and daughter. Homosexual couples don’t as a group and by
nature produce the next generation. Although, theoretically, homosexuals can
adopt, this is the exception. Most same-sex lovers don’t pursue parenting.
Furthermore, children don’t naturally result from their sexual activity.
the state must intervene and grant them children. As Jennifer Roback Morse
explains, “Same-sex couples cannot have children. Someone must give them a
child or at least half the genetic material to create a child. The state must
detach the parental rights of the opposite-sex parent and then attach those
rights to the second parent of the same-sex couple. The state must create
parentage for the same-sex couple. For the opposite-sex couple, the state
merely recognizes parentage.”
common objection is that marriage can’t be about children because not all
married couples have kids. First, although that’s true, every child has a
mother and father and a right to know them. These children have a vested
interest in the union and stability of their parents. But that’s not something
they can protect. Society needs to secure that right for kids so far as we are
even if some marriages don’t produce children, it doesn’t nullify the natural
tie of marriage to procreation. The purpose of marriage remains regardless of
whether married couples actualize it or not. Books are meant to be read even if
they collect dust on a bookshelf.
Third, marriages create the optimal environment for
raising children. Same-sex marriage intentionally creates the condition where a
child is denied their mother or father or both. This is not healthy, a claim
that has been long noted by researchers.
push for same-sex marriage is not primarily about the right to marry the person
you love. No one has that right because everyone – including heterosexuals – is
restricted. Nor is it to secure the right to adopt children. Homosexuals could
be granted every legal right and privilege of marriage, but they would still
demand the right to legal marriage.
because this battle is not principally about rights, but about respect. Homosexuals demand
public approval for their lifestyle and relationships. As Time magazine wrote, same-sex marriage
advocates, “want nothing less than full social equality, total validation—not
just the right to inherit a mother-in-law’s Cadillac. As Andrew Sullivan, the
(also persistently single) intellectual force behind gay marriage, has written,
‘Including homosexuals within marriage would be a means of conferring the
highest form of social approval imaginable.’”[i]
no mistake about it. Redefining marriage will impact our culture. It won’t be
today, next week, or next year. It will be in the long-term because ideas have
consequences. When you sever the natural tie of marriage to procreation and no
longer require that children be attached to their parents, you’re doing
violence to a vital institution. Marriages start families and families produce
the next generation. This is how we secure and stabilize society. That’s why
you can’t take a sledgehammer to the core of civilization – the family – and
expect that no harm will come.
This post by Alan Shlemon is
part of a Thursday series responding to common challenges pertaining to
“Antidote for Materialism”
We live in a society that
focuses on the gaining of more and more things.
We’re daily bombarded by advertising that tells us that our lives won’t
be complete unless we buy what the advertisers are trying to sell. We see our friends and neighbors with new
cars and boats, and we notice an attitude of materialism creeping into our own
thinking. Instead of maintaining an
eternal perspective and focusing on God’s gifts to us, we’re looking at the
things of the world to bring us satisfaction.
God doesn’t desire that we
go without any comforts of life or that we live in broken down homes and drive
beat-up cars. What He does desire is
that we put him first.
The best way to break loose
from the grip of greed and materialism is to give. “God
loves a cheerful giver,” Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 9:7. One church bulletin added this message: “God
loves a cheerful giver, but we will accept from a grouch!” Giving under pressure, however, bars us from
the joy God wants us to experience from giving willingly.
Paul commended the
Macedonian churches because “out of the most
severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich
generosity” (2 Corinthians 8:2). How
was it that people in “extreme poverty”
can give with an “abundance of joy”? The answer is found in verse 5 “…they gave themselves first to the Lord and
then by the will of God to us.”
May we nurtured by God’s
Word and Sacrament, be equipped by His Spirit to ignore the world’s pull on our
affections so that we will be eager to give as we have been blessed and even
Oktoberfest--Activities Include: Pumpkin
Carving, Bible Study, Fall Nature Hike, and more!
us for a time of fellowship and fun!
Where: Camp Wartburg
When: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
October 15th,
Cost: $40—includes lunch!
RSVP attendance
to Camp Wartburg (618.939.7715) by Monday, October 8th.
A Retreat For
Gracefully Aging
Hosted by the Southern Illinois District & Camp Wartburg
what most couples say after attending a Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend.
In fact, their greatest regret is that they didn’t attend sooner!
On a Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend, couples are gently guided through a
communication process that deepens their relationship and communication with
each other. They receive not only the gift of greater depth and growth, but
also renew and rekindle the sparks they felt for each other when first married.
it time for you to experience new life in your marriage? Whether married
3 years or 50 years, you’ll rediscover the love you have for each other on a
Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend. In a comfortable and private environment
away from family, work, and all the other “stuff” that keeps you from making
your relationship a priority, together you can refresh your marriage.
next St. Louis area Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend is scheduled for November
2-4, 2012, at the Holiday Inn on South Lindbergh Blvd. For more information
or to apply, visit or contact Tom & Kathy Von Behren
at 636-343-9453 or Applications are due October
24! Don’t let yourself miss out on this great event!
The LYF would like
to say THANK YOU!!! To everyone who supported the Chicken and Dumplings Dinner and for all
the wonderful desserts that were donated. Your kindness is very much
We also would like
to say a big THANK YOU!!!! To the following people for their extraordinary effort to go above and
beyond by pitching in to help with the dinner: Jeff Rowold, Mark Schoenbeck,
Red Schoenbeck, and Linda Schoenbeck. Your dedication will always be
remembered. God's Blessing to all of you.
first meeting will be on Sunday Oct 7th. On that day there will be an LYF
gathering at around 11:30 a.m. after church. We will have a short activity,
Bible study, and discussion about upcoming activities and fundraisers for our
Youth Group.
FOR SUN. NOV. 4th—In the back of the Church on the table is a signup sheet
for donations for tomato juice, tomato sauce and fried hamburger for the Chili
Dinner Nov 4th. Please take the can donated items to the kitchen by Oct 28th.
The fried hamburger can be taken to the kitchen Saturday November 3rd. All LYF parents and members who want to take part in the youth events that we offer
here at St. John Baldwin are asked to help participate at the Chili Dinner.
you have any questions call or email Fleta Junge: /call
282-4642 or 618-444-2764.
Our Ladies Aid Society belongs to the Lutheran Women’s
Missionary League. The LWML has Zone Officers, District Officers and National
Officers. The LWML collects mites from each member and distributes this money
collected throughout the world for projects of churches, schools, and missions.
Each of our members receive a small
mite box where we place our spare change we wish to donate. The LWML Mission Grant
for 2010 - 2012 Totaled $58,000.00
These funds were disbursed to
Camp Wartburg, Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School at Centralia, Christ Our
Savior Lutheran High School at Evansville, International & American Campus
Ministry at SIU Carbondale, Lutheran Braille Workers Center here at Baldwin,
Metro-East Lutheran High School in Edwardsville, Seminary Student Scholarships
of Southern Illinois District, Shared Prison Ministry with Southern Ill.
District, SIU Edwardsville Lutheran Campus Ministry and Unity Lutheran
Christian Elementary School of East St. Louis. On LWML Sunday, which will be
celebrated here on Sept. 30, more information will be given to let you know how
you can help meet the mission goals of the LWML by giving us your spare change.
During the past year a few of
our members and even others from our community have worked very hard quilting
and funds from that project are given back to our church or used for some
mission work. Our ladies held a bake sale at the Chicken Dinner to also help
raise funds. We received some matching funds from Thrivent and profits were
given to help a Seminary Student.
Prior to the chicken dinner our
ladies are responsible for organizing and cleaning the kitchen. Some of our
ladies spend time making comforters which are distributed through World Relief
and given to some local charities also. The ladies aid also likes to keep a few
nice comforters on hand to have available in case that someone in our community
is in need. Baby Comforters are also made and are given to the Pregnancy Center
in Sparta or to other organizations in Belleville called Blankets for Linus.
this past year
we have given funds to The Randolph County Care Center, Child Fund
International, Violence Prevention, Adopt a Seminary Student, Lutheran Bible
Translators, Epiphany Gift, donated to the Light and Fuel fund for the church,
and given to LWML Grants.
Our members bring an item such as a
hand towel or other toiletry item to each meeting and later in the year the
items will be wrapped up and given to the Pregnancy Center in Sparta for
We have a condolence Committee
that gathers the ladies to help serve meals after a funeral. On Sept. 4, we
served lunch for a Circuit Pastors Conference in Baldwin.
Other committees are the Altar, Flower,
Card and quilt
Committee. The Altar Committee consists of our aid
members as well as other women from the congregation. Their duties are to
change the altar paraments, fill the candles and put out the wine and bread for
Communion. The Flower Committee makes sure that there are flowers on the altar.
The Card Committee sends greeting cards when needed. The Quilt Committee
organizes quilting times.
Our group meets the 1st
Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. All women of the congregation are invited
and encouraged to join us in Christian fellowship.
Sunday, November 4, 2012, Randolph County Thrivent Chapter will host a Board
member election and Rib-eye dinner at St. John Veteran Memorial Hall, 1324 High
Street, Chester, IL. A fun day of cards and games starting at 2p.m with dinner
at 5pm. A Randolph County Thrivent members are invited to attend. Please RSVP
to Mike Welge @ 618-826-5453 or Julie Ratz @ 618-282-3873 or 573-579-3592 by
October 26th.
for the Family Fun Night (Oct. 26th) There will be no Bike ride but can still bring costumes
and receive treats!
Our Ladies Aid Members are asked to come and help
clean our room at the school on Tues. Oct. 2. Bring some buckets and rags and
help us get the fall cleaning done. Let's meet at 9 a.m.
St. John Ev. Lutheran Church
Baldwin, IL 62217-0162
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