Pastor John M. Taggatz, Jenna Otten, Secretary
December, 2012 Lela Rehmer, Custodian Kevin Kahle, Groundskeeper
Web Site:

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Serving on the Altar Guild
for December are:

Ushers for the Month of December are:

(618) 785-2344 (or)
(618) 785-2602
-When a member of your family is admitted to the hospital, so a visit can be made by
Pastor Taggatz.
- When your group
plans to hold a meeting, so it can be
cleared and placed on the church calendar.
-When your home
or business phone number or address is changed,
so church records can be corrected.
- When you are
planning to move either out of town or
- When you know you are pregnant so that we will be able to
assist you in any way we can with prayers, encouragement and support.
- When a new baby arrives in your family or in the family of
another church member.
- When you are planning a wedding or baptism.
“I Heard the
Bells on Christmas Day"
One of America's
best known poets, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882),
contributed to the wealth of carols sung each Christmas season, when he
composed the words to "I Heard the
Bells on Christmas Day" on December 25th 1864. The carol was
originally a poem, "Christmas Bells," containing seven stanzas. Two
stanzas were omitted, which contained references to the American Civil War,
thus giving us the carol in its present form. The poem gave birth to the carol,
"I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.”
When Longfellow penned the words to his poem, America was still months away
from General Lee's surrender to General Grant at Appomattox Court House on
April 9th 1865; and, his poem reflected the prior years of the American Civil War's
despair, while ending with a confident hope of triumphant peace.
As with any composition that touches the
heart of the hearer, "I Heard the
Bells on Christmas Day" flowed from the experience of Longfellow--
involving the tragic death of his wife Fanny and the crippling injury of his
son Charles from war wounds. Longfellow had married Frances “Fanny” Appleton on
July 13th 1843, and they settled down in the historic Craigie House overlooking
the Charles River in Cambridge, Massachusetts. They were blessed with the birth
of their first child, Charles, on June 9th 1844, and eventually, the Longfellow
household numbered five children-- Charles, Ernest, Alice, Edith, and Allegra. Tragedy struck both the nation and the Longfellow family in 1861. Confederate Gen. Pierre G. T. Beauregard fired the opening salvos of the American Civil War on April 12th, and Fanny Longfellow was fatally burned in an accident in the library of Craigie House on July 10th. After trimming some of seven year old Edith's beautiful curls, Fanny decided to preserve the clippings in sealing wax. Melting a bar of sealing wax with a candle, a few drops fell unnoticed upon her dress. The sea breeze gusted through the window, igniting the light material of Fanny's dress-- wrapping her in flames. In her attempt to protect Edith and Allegra, she ran to Henry's study in the next room, where Henry Longfellow attempted to extinguish the flames with a nearby rug. Failing to stop the fire with the rug, he tried to smother the flames by throwing his arms around Fanny-- burning his face, arms, and hands. Fanny Longfellow died the next morning. Too ill from his burns and grief, Henry did couldn’t attend her funeral.
The first Christmas after Fanny's death, Longfellow wrote, "How inexpressibly sad are all holidays." A year after the incident, he wrote, "I can make no record of these days. Better leave them wrapped in silence. Perhaps someday God will give me peace." Longfellow's journal entry for December 25th 1862 reads: "'A merry Christmas' say the children, but that is no more for me." Almost a year later, Longfellow received word that his oldest son Charles, a lieutenant in the Army of the Potomac, had been severely wounded. The Christmas of 1863 was silent in Longfellow's journal. Finally, on Christmas Day of 1864, he wrote the words of the poem, "Christmas Bells." The reelection of US President Abraham Lincoln or the possible end of the Civil War may have been the occasion for the poem. Lt. Charles Longfellow did not die that Christmas, but lived.
Longfellow's Christmas bells loudly proclaimed, "God is not dead." Even more, the bells announced, "Nor doth He sleep." God's Truth, Power, and Justice are affirmed, when Longfellow wrote: "The wrong shall fail, the right prevail." The message that the Living God is a God of Peace is proclaimed in the close of the carol: "Of peace on Earth, good will to men." "For it pleased the Father that in [Jesus] should all fullness dwell; and, having made peace through the Blood of His Cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself"(Colossians 1:19-20).
"Christmas Bells" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
(The original poem, complete with all seven stanzas)
"I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
And thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along
The unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
Till, ringing, singing on its way,
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime
A chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
Then from each black accursed mouth
The cannon thundered in the South,
And with the sound
The carols drowned
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
It was as if an earthquake rent
The hearth-stones of a continent,
And made forlorn
The households born
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
And in despair I bowed my head;
"There is no peace on earth," I said;
"For hate is strong,
And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!"
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
"God is not dead; nor doth he sleep!
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men!"
Merry Christmas! And, may Jesus
the Prince of Peace grant you His peace!
See You in Church!
Pastor Taggatz
“Jars of Clay”
At this time of year, our minds
are drawn to thoughts of our Savior, as they should be. The ages-old story is always fresh and
exciting to us as Christians as we rejoice in our Father’s great love for us
shown in His sending His own Son for us.
That Son came in the form of a Baby Who was nurtured inside His mother’s
body, a “treasure in [a jar] of clay” (2 Corinthians 4:7).
The angels announced His birth;
the shepherds left their sheep and came to worship Him; the Wise Men traveled
many miles to adore Him and bring Him their gifts. “But Mary treasured up all these things,
pondering them in her heart” (Luke
2:19). She still had “this treasure in [a jar] of clay.”
We, too, have this “treasure…the surpassing power [that] belongs to
God and not to us” (2 Corinthians 4:7b). We have the Word dwelling in us! His great power enables and equips us to be
stewards who can fulfill any task our Savior lays before us. “I can
do all things through Him Who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). He gives us courage to witness of His birth
and life and death and resurrection. “But you will receive power when the Holy
Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and all
Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). He gives us gifts to serve His people and to
reach out to those still outside His kingdom.
“As each has received a gift, use
it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter
4:10). He gives us financial resources
to support the mission and ministry of our churches. “You
will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us
will produce thanksgiving to God” (2 Corinthians 9:11).
We certainly are imperfect
stewards of God’s gifts. Even the
Apostle Paul had his failings. He wrote
that God said to him, “My grace is
sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” God does it all – in us and through us! Therefore, we “boast all the more gladly in [our] weaknesses, so that the power of
Christ may rest upon [us]” (2 Corinthians 12:9).
During this time of Advent and
Christmas, let us “[treasure] up all these things, pondering them in [our
hearts].” And let us ask God to use
us according to His plan to spread the news of that treasure.
We remember in our prayers—“Pray
for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is
powerful and effective.” (James 5:16)
In your prayers this week,
pray for the Church; For missionaries who bring God’s Word to the nations, Rev.
Tim & Lisa Beckendorf of Lutheran Bible Translators to Botwsana, Africa
& Nicole Decker who is a missionary to South Africa. For those who are ill,
awaiting, or recovering from surgery: We pray especially for Sally Fadler, Gene
Loucks, a brother-in-law to the Spier family, Karen Willis, Linda Nagel,
Elizabeth Montroy, Lee Hogandobler, Evan Saldana, Hayden Smith, a friend of
Christa Poynor, & Margaret Dixon, the grandmother of Nicki Buch, all who
are battling serious illnesses. We pray
for Chuck Nagel, as he recovers from surgery that he recently had. For Krista Hammel, Daryl Junge, Joyce
Schmoll, & Jennifer Sievers, the daughter of Geri Stolte, that they would
be healed in the midst of their illness.
For all of those who are unemployed or underemployed, that they would be
able to find suitable work to support themselves and their families. For those who are in nursing homes or
We mourn with the families of Gary Harms & Rosalie Becker, a
relative to Steve & Pat Bunte & Wes Stellhorn, who were recently called
home to heavenly rest. May God give
to Gary and Rosalie’s family comfort and hope of the promise of our Lord Jesus
Christ who says in John 11:25-26, “I am
the resurrection and the life. Whoever
believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and
believes in me shall never die.”
Congratulations to Brian Schoenbeck, upon his marriage to his beloved bride, Jamie, last
month in November. Heavenly Father, Your Son Jesus used the joy of the
marriage feast as a sign of the joy of Your kingdom. We thank you that You have joined together
Brian Schoenbeck with his beloved wife, Jamie, in the bonds of holy
matrimony. Assist them always by
Your grace that with true faithfulness and steadfast love they may ever honor
and keep their promises to one another, grow in love toward You and for each
other and come at last to the eternal joys that You have promised through Jesus
Christ their Lord and Savior. Amen.

Sunday Mornings
(8:45 a.m.) “Martin Luther’s Catechisms”
Location: In the
Church Sanctuary
Mornings (10 a.m.) “The Intersection of Church & State” (Please Note: that due to the season of Advent there won’t be Wednesday morning
Bible Studies during the month of December, we will be continuing our Wednesday
morning Bible Studies at the beginning of January).
Location: In the St. John School
LYF UPDATE— LYF thanks all who supported their
Chili Dinner.
- LYF will have a meeting after church on December 3rd.
- LYF will be making up candy bags and handing them out
after the Sunday School Christmas Evening Program
Remember: Every 3rd Sunday of the
month we are praying for people who are in the military. If you have a relative or friend who is an
armed serviceman and woman in our Nation’s military please let the Church know
so that we may be able to pray for them on the third Sunday of the month.

Dinner Auction
Committee: If you would like to help with planning the 2013 COS Dinner Auction, please contact the
school office. We will have our first planning meeting sometime in December.
Registration: It is not too early to start making plans for next school
year. The early registration deadline for the 2013-2014 will be February 1,
2013. The registration fee is $150 for those who register before the 2/1/2013
deadline. Contact the school office for more information.
Coming Events:
Dec. 13 Christmas Concert 6:30 pm
Jan. 25 COS Trivia
Night at COS gym

Rowold Laverna Luthy
Red Bud Nursing
Home Three Springs N. Home
350 W. South 1st 161 Three Springs Rd. Red Bud , IL
62278 Chester , IL 62233
Opal &
Leland Luthy
Red Bud Nursing
350 W. South 1st
Bud, IL 62278
Junge Russell
IL 62217 350 W. South
Bud, IL 62278

Regular Council
Meeting --November 13, 2012
Present: Pastor Taggatz,
Gene Luthy, Gerald Poenitski, Marla Huebner, Susan Piel, Dennis Wegener, Marvin
Liefer, Tony Junge, Bob Wirth, Corey Roscow, Linda Schoenbeck, and Fleta Junge.
The meeting was called to order by President Gene Luthy.
Opening devotions were given by Pastor Taggatz.
Minutes from the previous meeting: Were read and approved.
Financial Secretary’s Report:
Total receipts for Oct 2012, $12,946.60.
Treasurer’s report:
Ending balance for the general fund for Oct 2012, $6,895.99. Motion was
made and second to approve. Motion carried.
Spiritual Ministries/Elder: Baptism for Ryker Michelle Sturma
on Saturday, December 1st at 5 pm service. Ryker is the daughter of
Aislyn Grau, who is looking to transfer into our congregation from St. Peter
Lutheran in Evansville. Motion was made and second to approve the baptism.
Motion carried.
Church Properties:
School doors varnished, toilet repaired, gutters cleaned, new pole installed,
gym lights replace and other numerous repairs have been completed in and around
the church and school.
- Cemetery exemption certificate has been received.
- Furnace inspection has been done
- Shrum Roofing has agreed to pay for the repairs to the vent
pipes at the school. Total cost for the
repairs was $26.27.
- Gym furnace is showing signs of corrosion and a bid of
$969.00 was received to fix the sump pump and raise the furnace. It was decided
to contact Joe Liefer to see if he would be able to help fix the problems.
- Gail Harms has purchased 8 cemetery lots
- Drew’s Landscaping has given a bid for mowing of cemetery,
church, and school properties.
- Insurance policies
for the church, school, and parsonage are under review. Medical coverage seems to be low. The current
insurance company is Brotherhood Mutual. Guide One Insurance from Wood River,
IL is interested in serving our needs. It was also noted that Pastor Taggatz
has his own renters insurance for contents of the parsonage.
Social Ministries: Contact has been made by a friend of Gary
& Gail Harms if there would be any volunteers to help with the cleaning an
fixing up a few things at the Harms house since the death of Gary Harms, who
had an infection just before his death. No action was taken on this matter at
this time.
Christian Education:
Sunday School:
Lutheran Youth Fellowship:
LYF thanks all who supported their Chili Dinner.
- LYF will be decorating the church for Christmas on
November 25th.
- LYF will have a meeting on December 3rd.
- LYF will be making up candy bags and handing them out
after the Sunday School Christmas Evening Program
Pastor’s Report:
Pastoral Acts from
Oct.9th ‘12 through Nov. 13th, 2012—
Saturday & Sunday worship responsibilities
-9 Bible
Study class sessions (Sunday mornings & Wed. mornings)
Prospective member visit
13 Homebound Visits
member visits
Hospital Visits
- 4 Spiritual
Care Meetings
Funeral for Gary Harms on Sat. Nov. 3rd
County Nursing Home Chapel, Oct. 24th
-Attended the LWML Spring Rally
@ St. John Sparta on Oct. 25th
-3 COSLHS Meetings—Oct. 11th,
Nov. 2nd & Nov. 8th
-1 COSLHS Benefit Dinner @ World
Shooting Complex, Oct. 19th, said prayers for it and promoted the
High School
-Attended Pastor’s Circuit
Meeting at Zion Lutheran in Pinckneyville on Nov. 6th
St. Mark’s Steeleville Chapel Oct. 24th
-1 Unity Lutheran East St. Louis
Chapel Oct. 31st
Trinity Lutheran Chapel, Nov. 7th
-1 Family Night @ St. John
Baldwin on Friday Sept. 21st--(We had 6 adults and 5 kids in
-3 Campus Bible Studies attended
at SWIC Belleville Campus on Oct. 26th, Nov. 2nd, Nov. 9th
-1 Wedding for Brian Schoenbeck to his beloved bride Jamie on Sat.
Nov. 10th, said a prayer and a blessing at the reception.
- Pastor Taggatz and Harry Wetzel will be attending the
DOXOLGY session on November 16th – 18th. Guest Preacher on Sunday, November 18th
will be Pastor Mark Willig. There will
be no Saturday night church service on Saturday, November 17th.
- Bids for Lawn Mowing and Custodian need to be in no later
than November 23rd. Please
give your bids to one of the trustees: Kevin Luthy, Corey Roscow Bob Wirth or
Stan Gegel
- Flower Committee Chairman, Lela Rehmer is stepping down
from this position. A new chairman will be need as of January 1, 2013.
- St John Lutheran Annual Meeting will be on Sunday,
November 25th at 7:00 pm at the church.
- Slate of candidates for 2013, Vice President – Gerald
Poenitske, Elder – Richard Buch, Trustees – Gary Huebner and David Piel,
Treasurer – Dennis Wegener, Financial Secretary – Debbie Hammel. If you have
any other people you would like to nominate, please contact Gene Luthy.
- Special Family Night will be held on November 30th
from 6:00 to 8:30 pm.
- Advent Midweek Services will begin on Wednesday, November
28 at 7:00 pm and continue on Wednesday, December 5th and Wednesday,
December 12th and Wednesday, December 19th.
- Handing out bags on Thanksgiving for donations of non-perishable
food items for the Baldwin Food Pantry.
Please return your food items to our church by December 2nd.
Old Business: Susan Piel
has received more information on banners at a reasonable price and has offered
to purchase possibly three new banners. Motion was made and second to accept
Susan’s offer. Motion carried.
New Business:
- Gene Luthy has received Lutheran Church Extension Fund
information if anyone is interested, they should contract Gene.
Adjournment: Motion was
made and second to adjourn. Motion carried.
The meeting was closed prayer and with the Lord’s Prayer.
President, Gene Luthy
Secretary, Marla Huebner
Special Council
Meeting—November 18, 2012
Present: Gene Luthy, Gerald Poenitski, Marla
Huebner, Marvin Liefer, Susan Piel and Linda Schoenbeck.
The meeting was called to order by Pres. Gene Luthy.
Motion was made to give half of Thanksgiving offering to
Operations Blessing in Sparta and the other half to Baldwin Food Pantry. Motion second. Motion Carried
Adjournment: Motion was
made and second to adjourn. Motion carried.
President, Gene Luthy
Secretary, Marla Huebner

Formula of
Concord: Epitome
Article 4-- Good Works
Introductory Note: It is
wrong to say that good works are necessary for salvation. It is also wrong to
say that they are harmful for salvation. Just as wrong, however, is to avoid
the discussion of good works altogether. Perhaps the best analogy for good
works—and a biblical one at that—is to think of them as fruit on a tree
(Matthew 7:17). A living tree bears fruit. A dead tree bears no fruit. A person
who is alive through faith in Christ will do good works. On the other hand, a
person who is spiritually dead, that is, without faith in Christ, may perform
certain outward actions, but they are not good works. While good works play no
role in our salvation, they are very much part of our lives as God’s children.
Good works in the Christian life do not result from our fearing God’s
punishment. Rather, they result from God loving us. God’s perfect love in
Christ drives out all fear and replaces it with a heart, soul, and mind that
love Him and serve our neighbor. (See also AC VI; AC XX; Ap V; Ap XX; SA III
The Chief Question in the
Controversy about Good Works
1 Concerning the doctrine of good works two
divisions have arisen in some churches:
2 1.
First, some theologians have become divided because of the following
expressions. One side wrote, “Good works are necessary for salvation. It is
impossible to be saved without good works.” They also wrote, “No one has ever
been saved without good works.” But the other side, on the contrary, wrote,
“Good works are harmful to salvation.”
3 2.
Afterward, a schism arose between some theologians because of the two words necessary and free. The one side argued that the word necessary should not be used about the new obedience, which, they
say, does not flow from necessity and coercion, but from a voluntary spirit.
The other side insisted on the word necessary.
They say obedience is not our option, but regenerate people are obliged to
render this obedience.
4 From
this dispute about the terms, a controversy arose afterward about the subject
itself. For the one side contended that among Christians the Law should not be
presented at all, but people should be encouraged to do good works from the
Holy Gospel alone. The other side contradicted this.
The Pure Teaching of the Christian Churches about
This Controversy
5 For the
thorough statement and decision of this controversy, our doctrine, faith, and
confession is as follows:
6 1. Good
works certainly and without doubt follow true faith—if it is not a dead, but a
living faith—just as fruit grows on a good tree [Matthew 7:17].
7 2. We
believe, teach, and confess that good works should be entirely excluded from
the question about salvation, just as they are excluded from the article of
justification before God. The apostle testifies with clear words when he writes
as follows, “Just as David also speaks of the blessing of the one to whom God
counts righteousness apart from works: … ‘Blessed is the man against whom the
Lord will not count his sin’ ” (Romans 4:6–8). And again, “For by grace
you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the
gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Ephesians
8 3. We
also believe, teach, and confess that all people, but especially those who are
born again and renewed by the Holy Spirit, are obligated to do good works
[Ephesians 2:10].
9 4. In
this sense the words necessary, shall, and must are used correctly and in a Christian way to describe the
regenerate, and are in no way contrary to the form of sound words and speech.
10 5.
Nevertheless, if the words mentioned (i.e., necessity
and necessary) are used when talking
about regenerate people, then only due obedience—not coercion—is to be
understood. For the truly believing, so far as they are regenerate, do not
offer obedience from coercion or the driving of the Law, but from a voluntary
spirit. For they are no more under the Law, but under grace (Romans 6:14; 7:6;
11 6. We
also believe, teach, and confess that when it is said, “The regenerate do good
works from a free spirit,” this is not to be understood as though it were an
option for the regenerate person to do or not to do good when he wants, as
though a person can still retain faith if he intentionally perseveres in sins
[1 John 2:5–9].
12 7. This
is not to be understood in any other way than as the Lord Christ and His
apostles themselves declare. In other words, the free spirit does not obey from
fear of punishment, like a servant, but from love of righteousness, like
children (Romans 8:15).
13 8.
However, this willingness ‹liberty of spirit› in God’s elect children is not
perfect. It is burdened with great weakness, as St. Paul complains about
himself in Romans 7:14–25 and Galatians 5:17.
14 9.
Nevertheless, for the sake of the Lord Christ, the Lord does not charge this
weakness to His elect, as it is written, “There is therefore now no
condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).
15 10. We
believe, teach, and confess also that works do not maintain faith and salvation
in us, but God’s Spirit alone does this, through faith. Good works are
evidences of His presence and indwelling [Romans 8:5, 14].
Concordia : The Lutheran
Confessions. 2005 (Edited by Paul Timothy McCain) (482-483). St. Louis, MO:
Concordia Publishing House..
The deadline for getting articles and reports
in to be included in the Newsletter is the 18th
of every month.
Do You Have a Question? There
are tracts in the narthex that may be able to help… Take a moment as you come into church to
check out the Lutheran Hour Ministries tract rack. These pamphlets are free for you to take
home. You may see one that would be
interesting, maybe not for yourself, but for a friend or relative who is
experiencing or questioning a particular topic.
If you as an
individual or your organization would like to help someone less fortunate this
Christmas, please consider joining Lutheran
Child and Family Services as we strive to make the season a joyous one for
the people we serve. We will provide names, ages, sizes and special
interests/needs of client. Please call Wanda Rollins, Janet Keiser or Precious
Fowler at 618-234-8904.
The Sunday School
Children will be practicing for their Christmas Eve Pageant starting at 8:30am on Sunday mornings during December in the
Advent Midweek Series Coming to St. John—“The Saints of Advent”
1. Wed. Nov. 28th @ 7pm— “St. Andrew, Apostle” (John
2. Wed. Dec. 5th @ 7pm— “St. Nicholas” (Galatians
3. Wed. Dec. 12th @ 7pm— “St. Lucia” (Revelation
Wed. Dec. 19th @ 7pm— “St. Thomas, Apostle
(John 11:1–16; 14:1–7)
On Wednesday nights @ 7pm during the months of November
& December we will once again be having our Advent Midweek services. We will be following the Order of Vespers
from TLH and the services will be on: Nov. 28th, Dec. This year we will be looking at the “The Saints of Advent.”
Please Note: Due to the Advent Midweek Series Confirmation
& Pre-confirmation will be meeting at different times on Wednesdays. Pre-Confirmation will be meeting at 4:30pm
and Confirmation will be meeting at 5:30 pm…
Pastor Taggatz, Roxanne, Eddie, & Marty would like
to extend our warmest Christmas regards to everyone of you! Because when you get right down to it, the
true reason for the season is, Jesus.
John 17:3—And this is eternal life, that
they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.
Giving through THRIVENT
CHOICE to St. John for Oct. –Nov. ‘12— I am pleased to announce that
our giving through the Thrivent Choice program for November has amounted to:
$890.00… -Total amount our church has received from the Thrivent
Choice program since Jan. 2012: $3,561.00.
***Special notice regarding the
Thrivent Choice Program: You might have already received notice of a change in the
Thrivent Choice program by mail, but just in case you haven’t there is some
important information for you to know about.
This year of 2012 all Thrivent members wishing to continue their
automatic withdrawal to the charity of their choice will have to let Thrivent
know either by mail or phone. It only
needs to be done once for this year. To
continue to direct your Choice Dollars to the charity of your choice call:
800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) and state "Thrivent Choice."
IN NEED OF USHERS—The St. John Baldwin Usher Team is looking for more ushers to serve in
our Saturday night & Sunday morning services.
If you are interested in
helping to usher please contact Harry Wetzel at: 785-2931 or Jeff Rowold at:
Nov. 30th @ 6pm! The
next special family night at our church will be on Friday Nov. 30th
from 6-8:30pm. These family nights
will be informal with opportunities for the children to play and for families
to fellowship with one another while doing a variety of activities and having a
few treats as well. There will also be a
special devotion from God’s Word for everyone.
Come join us for a fun and exciting time!!!
As of January 2013,
we will be needing a flower Committee Chairman. This consists of putting
flowers on the altar every 2nd & 5th Sunday, picking
up, arranging, displaying, and watering the Christmas Poinsettias, and Easter
Lilies. For more information please contact the church office.
The Ladies Aid
Christmas Party will be Wed., Dec. 5 at the school at 11:30am. There will be a potluck lunch for all aid members,
spouses, friends and anyone else in the congregation. There will be games in
the afternoon and singing of carols. Please come and join us.
The 2013 Offering
Envelopes may be picked up at the school building.
Non-Perishable Food
Drive for the Baldwin Food Pantry—On Thanksgiving Day members of our church
received a paper bag to fill with non-perishable food items to give to our
Baldwin Food Pantry. There’s still
time for you if you haven’t already received a bag to collect non-perishable
food items for our local Food Pantry.
Please consider making a charitable donation to help those less
fortunate and to share the love of Jesus with them. Thanks for your generosity and God bless you
this Thanksgiving! Please bring back the bag on the first Sunday of Advent Dec.
Our offerings that
were collected Thanksgiving Day will go to The Baldwin Food Pantry and
Operation Blessing! Thank You for your generosity.
Campus Ministry @ SWIC
Belleville Campus—We are still looking for pastors and
laymen who are interested in being a part of campus ministry. We welcome all
who are enthusiastic about reaching out and spreading God's Word. Come to our
Campus Ministry Mentor Committee meeting once a month and get involved with
this community college. Our next meeting will be at SWIC Belleville on
November 27th at 11:30am for lunch. The purpose of this organization
is to nurture and guide the students by providing opportunities for Christian
growth and fellowship, teaching and modeling Christian living, encouraging and
assisting the student club, and mentoring the students in servant leadership.
Are you interested yet? To learn more or if you have any questions, please
contact Deaconess Intern Dorothy Glenn at 618.539.5664 or email her
YOU…Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show
hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken and produced by Lutheran Public Radio.
This week’s topics include: The Prosperity Gospel, The Advent Season,
Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, Noah and more. You can tune in
LIVE weekdays from 3-5 p.m. on KFUO, 850 AM in St. Louis. You can also
listen on-demand at
SPECIAL ALTAR GUILD MEETING—There will be an altar guild meeting after
church on Sunday Dec. 16th to discuss next year’s schedule and
to go through the use of the new banners that we now have for our church for
use during the different seasons of the church year.
Are you or a family
member…coping with grief and loss… stressed out by financial issues… dealing
with family or marital problems? Lutheran
Child and Family Services of Illinois’ professional licensed counselors can
help. They provide individual, couple, marital and family counseling to help
address these types of situations. Insurance is accepted. Call: 800-363-LCFS (5237) to
schedule a FREE confidential initial consultation. LUTHERAN CHILD & FAMILY
SERVICES IN SPARTA HAS MOVED With the closing of the Nice Twice Thrift Shop, Lutheran Child and
Family Services moved its office to 1107 N. Market in Sparta.
Our Ladies Aid will be sending out
Christmas Cards to those whom we pray for every month who are actively serving
in our United States military. Right now we are currently in need of their addresses so that
we can send them a card. If you know the address of one of your loved
ones whom we pray for in our military every month please contact the church
office, Thanks for your help!!! Here are
the military personnel for whom we pray every month: Matt
Mehring, Jamie Stover, Derek Junge, Jacoby Sommer, Aaron Miller, Christopher Stahre and
Todd Stolte , Michael Falkenheim, & Kaleb Schwartzkopf.

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