Monday, September 16, 2013

“Grow in the Grace of Giving” 2 Cor. 8 & 9 Sermon # 1, Sept. ’13 Stewardship emphasis


1.              Dear Lord, sanctify us in the truth.  Your Word is truth.  Today is the first message in our 3 week program titled, “Empowered by Grace to Tithe.”  God's Word for today comes from 2 Corinthians, chapters 8 and 9.  The Apostle Paul, speaking of the Macedonian Christians and a gift that they are going to send to the people in need in Jerusalem, wrote, "And they did not do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord…” Second, Paul pointed out very clearly that they gave beyond their ability to give.  "… they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability."  Outsiders would look at them and ask, "How can they do that?"  Third, Paul encourages each of us today to be cheerful givers. 
2.             A missionary pastor in Chile had been proclaiming the Word of God to the people he served.  They were a very poor people.  Because he was wrestling with something and didn't know what it was, one of his conversations with the Lord went something like this:  "Lord, what is it in addition to justification by faith alone?  What is it in addition to proclaiming Jesus Christ crucified for the forgiveness of our sins?  What is it that I'm missing in telling Your people from Your Word?  In addition to Jesus and the empty tomb and the words, He’s not here; He’s risen,’ what is it I'm missing?"  The missionary pastor felt that he was missing something he should’ve been proclaiming to his people.  After months of wrestling in God’s Word and in prayer he came to one thing that he felt the Lord wanted him to do.  He felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to teach his people about the tithe – giving ten percent and more – to the Lord.  The result was that he got up on the next Sunday in worship and proclaimed the tithe.
3.             The next week the people came back and at the time of the offering they put their chickens on the altar; they put their eggs on the altar (after all, they lived off the land); they put their grains and some of their crops on the altar.  They put the clothes they had woven on the altar.  They put leather goods on the altar.  The altar was just heaping with the gifts from this very poor people.  After the service was over, still feeling guilty for taking these things from these poor people, the missionary pastor took some things and distributed them among the destitute and poor in the community.  Some of it he was able to sell and use some money from the proceeds to provide for some things the church had long needed, since it was just a rundown building.
4.             Sunday after Sunday they came back again and again with their offerings, and then the people, along with the pastor, began to realize that the Lord was really blessing them.  Their crops were abundant; the harvest was bountiful.  It got to the point that the communities around them were buying things from them because their crops were so plentiful.  They were making money now.  Now they were not only bringing some of the firstfruits and the ten percent, the tithe, from their goods and what they had made off the land, but they were bringing offerings of money as well.  It was an incredible turnaround for this small congregation, this small group of people gathered together in the Lord's name in Chile.  All because the pastor was faithful to proclaim the whole counsel of God.
5.             I stand before you today as a pastor like that Chilean missionary who has struggled, prayed, and studied God’s Word with regard to bringing before you this Sunday and next Sunday messages about tithing ten percent or more.  I'm very aware that in the Old Testament, the tithe was the requirement.  You were required by the law to give ten percent or more, and believe me, they gave more.  In the New Testament it is not a requirement of the law to give the ten percent, but Paul wrote, "You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God" (2 Corinthians 9:11).  I pray that, as we read and learn what Scripture has to say to us about the stewardship of our time, talents, and treasurers, we will rejoice in the foundation that God has built for us to stand upon and that we will become the kind of givers that He desires us to be – givers who honor and please Him and give glory to His name.
6.             What did Paul have to say to us in 2 Cor. 8 & 9?  One of the first things that struck Paul is that these people did not give as he had expected them to give.  By God’s grace, they gave themselves first to the Lord.  What does it mean to give yourself to the Lord? When it comes to giving, I think it means that you recognize God's ownership of everything in your life – everything, including yourself.  That's right. When you were baptized, you became a child of God. Through faith in Jesus Christ, a relationship is established that we are His.  Let me illustrate.  A man, a seller, had a beautiful pearl, just an exquisite pearl.  Someone came along and said, "I want to buy that pearl; I've got to have it."  You would say the same thing. "How much is it?" he asked.  The seller responded, "Well, how much do you have?"  He answered, "Well, not a whole lot.  Will I be able to afford it?"  "Everyone can afford it," replied the seller.  "How much do you have?" "Well, I've got $10,000 in the bank.  Is that enough?"   "What else do you have?" The man reached in his pocket.  "Oh, you mean like in my wallet.  Okay, in my wallet I have 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100, $120.” "Fine.  I'll take it.  What else do you have?" "That's it." "Well, where do you live?" "Oh, in my house." "Great.  I'll take your house."  "My house, too?"  Does that mean I'll have to live in my camper?"  "Oh, you have a camper!"  "Yeah.”  “Good.  I'll take it, too."  "That means I'll have to sleep in my car."  “Oh, you have a car?" "Well, actually, I have two."  "I'll take them both." “ Well, that's it.  I don't have anything else."  The seller asked, "Are you alone in this world?"  "No," replied the man, "I have a lovely wife and three children." "I'll take them."  "Well, now I am left alone."  "Oh, I forgot to tell you," the seller exclaimed, "I want you too!  You belong to me.  Everything you have belongs to me.  It's mine, but I'm going to let you use it.  I'm going to give it back to you to use, and any time I need any of it I will ask for it.  That's what it means to give yourself first to the Lord: to recognize His ownership, which begins with baptism, with faith in Jesus Christ, and trust in Him alone for salvation.
7.             What’s the second thing Paul saw?  When he looked at these Macedonian Christians, he said, "They are giving beyond their ability – very generous givers."  People were observing them and saying, "Wow! Where did all this come from?  They don't have this."  I'm sure the missionary pastor in Chile was thinking similar thoughts.  "Where is this coming from?"  Or better yet, a question might be, "What has enabled them to give like that?"  The same thing enables you and me to give like that.   The grace of God that’s given to each one of us by the power of the Holy Spirit enables us to be people different than what we ever imagined we could be.
8.             The Holy Spirit alive inside our hearts can change us, transform us.  We're not a people who are takers; we are givers.  We're people who are servants of our Lord and of one another.  God's grace enables us to give beyond our ability.  May God receive the glory for that as we rejoice at how He is using us.  He has changed us.  We're different, never to be the same again.  God's grace also enables us to be cheerful givers.  The Lord loves a cheerful giver and would rather that we not give under compulsion.  He wants to change our "have to give" into an "I want to give."  In fact, it's the difference between Old Testament tithing and New Testament tithing and giving.  And, I’ve seen in our congregation here at St. John how God has enabled us to give of our time, talents, and treasures.  The people who serve tirelessly on our church council year after year, our Ladies Aid and their service to our congregation, the community, and the world.  Our SIGHT Ministry Center making large print devotional materials for those who are visually impaired.  Those who give of their time to helping with Vacation Bible School and our Sunday School.  Our organists, ushers, and acolytes who assist us in worship.  Our altar guild who give of their time in order to set up for communion, the banners of our church, and the candles.  Those who have given of our church to support: our local food banks, Rev. Tim & Lisa Beckendorf of Lutheran Bible Translators, our giving to support our local Lutheran Grade Schools and Christ Our Savior Lutheran High School.  And these are just a few areas that the people of our congregation have been using their time, talents, and treasures to serve the Lord in His Church and to further the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
9.             In the Old Testament, a believer was required to give 10 percent or more.  In the New Testament, it's by the grace of God that a person is empowered by grace to give.  In fact, Old Testament law required more than one tithe.  When we read the Old Testament Scriptures carefully, we find that there was a tithe for the priests, a tithe for the festivals, and a tithe for widows and orphans every third year resulting in giving about 23 percent of one’s income during the course of a year. Talk about giving. 
10.         But, a survey has revealed that today Christians give, on average, 2.5 percent.  The reason that's sad is that it would appear that the requirement of the law was accomplishing more than the power of grace through the Gospel which proclaims Jesus Christ as the One Who causes us to be transformed and motivated to give in a way that is far beyond what anyone could ever imagine.
11.         Maybe we've lost the enthusiasm, the excitement, and the heartfelt joy of that first Easter morning. The women went to the tomb, and, when they got there, they were frightened, but they heard the message: “He is not here; He has risen!" (Luke 24:6).  Maybe we've forgotten Jesus' promise: "Because I live, you also will live" (John 14:19). Maybe we've lost the joy and the excitement that is ours as the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament opens our eyes to see things differently than we've seen them before.  Then we have the joy of the Resurrected Lord, the joy of being people who have also been raised up and daily rejoice in the effects of our baptism.  By God's grace, His forgiveness, His Holy Spirit, we can do things we've never done before.
12.         And so we give ourselves first to the Lord.  We give beyond our ability, and we give cheerfully.  May God grant His grace to work so powerfully and abundantly in your life and in mine that we might continue to see new possibilities as we live lives of faith in Jesus Christ and trust in Him alone for salvation.  Amen.

Prayer:  Thank You, Lord, for all that You do and all the gifts You give us in service to Your people.  Thank You for the gift of Your Spirit Who works faith within us and stirs us up to acts of love for others.  Lord, open our eyes and give us hearts full of gratitude for Your great and wondrous love revealed in Your Son, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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