Wednesday, April 2, 2014

“Jesus Turns the Darkness into Light” Isaiah 42.14-21, sermon notes Lent 4A, March ‘14

1.                        Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Heavenly Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  The message from God’s Word for us on this 4th Sunday in Lent is taken from the readings for today from Isaiah 42:14-21, Eph. 5:8-14, and John 9:1-41.  The message is entitled, “Jesus Turns the Darkness into Light,” dear brothers and sisters in Christ.
2.                        Isaiah preached to a people that were deaf and blind.  Deaf to God’s Word that is.  Blind to His will to be their God and to save them.  Israel turned her back on God.  And when you do that — you plunge yourself into darkness.  The deep, deep darkness of unbelief and death!  Israel got used to living in the darkness and death of her sin.  Very comfortable with the darkness and her sin!  Loved the darkness!  Relished her sin.  Used the darkness of unbelief and death as a cover to shield her from God the Light. 
3.                        Israel went her own stubborn way.  Self-centered. Self-absorbed.  Looked after her self-interests.  And when trouble came she ran after false gods – idols. Israel became like the idols she worshiped – eyes that couldn’t see.  Ears that couldn’t hear.  Mouths that couldn’t speak. 
4.                        We’re really no different than Israel of old.  If we’re not completely deaf to God’s own voice that speaks to us in His most holy Word, we’re bored to death with it.  We put up every sort of excuse not to hear or study God’s Word. We listen to ourselves with religious fervor.  When ultimate issues confront us do we turn to God’s Word?  Instead, we look deep inside ourselves for answers!  Whatever idols we have built for ourselves we fanatically obey!  And then we wonder why hardly anyone is attracted to Christ and His church!  And why we’re all so strung out and have so many nervous breakdowns.    
5.                        We’ve become quite comfortable and cozy with the darkness!  A deep spiritual darkness has overtaken us!  It is the separation from God because of our sin.  Cold hearts.  Darkened minds.  Adam’s sin and our sin blind our eyes.  We can’t see.  We don’t know where we’re going.  We’re helpless.  We can only grope in the darkness of death.  Eternal death.
6.                        Enter Jesus.  Light of the World Jesus as we see Him in our Gospel lesson today from John 9!  Pay attention everyone!  He’s going to use a man born blind as an object lesson.  The blind man’s eyes don’t work because of some horrible sin he or his parents committed.  Instead, it’s so “the work of God might be displayed in his life.”  After all, the time for repentance won’t last forever.  God won’t tolerate the apathy, the boredom, the indifference and the blindness of unbelief forever.  “As long as it is day,” Jesus says, “we must do the work of him who sent me.  Night is coming when no one can work.  While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
7.                        So it’s time to listen up everyone!  Now, not later, is the time to fix your eyes on Jesus!  Why?  Because He’s the author and perfecter of our faith!  Because He’s the Light of the world!  He comes to bring the spiritually dead back to life!  He comes to give light to those spiritually blind.  Jesus comes to turn our darkness into light! 
8.                        And Jesus will use a man blind from birth to illustrate this truth.  “That the work of God might be displayed in his life.” So Jesus goes to work on the always been blind man.  Spits on the ground.  Makes some mud.  Puts the mudpack on the man’s eyes.  After shoving greasy mud into the man’s eyes, Jesus commands:  “Wash off all that mud I just poked into your eyes at the pool called Siloam.”   Good thing the blind man has ears to hear!  He’s not deaf to Christ’s Word.  He does what Jesus says and behold:  “He returns home!  And he can see perfectly!”   Physical sight that is!  The eyes work!  For the first time in his life!  Jesus turns the darkness into light. 
9.                        And then comes spiritual sight. Jesus asks him:  “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” And the seeing eyes for the first time ever man asks:  “Who is he that I may believe in him?”  Jesus responds with an astounding fact:  “You have now seen him.  In fact, he is the one speaking with you!” Incredible!  The healed man standed before the eternal Son of God!  And so he cries out:  “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped Jesus!  Jesus turns the darkness into light!
10.                    Jesus has come to you too.  You that were born blind.  Spiritually blind.  Spiritually dead.  Spiritually in the dark.  Jesus poked the mud of His Law into your eyes to show you your sin and your helpless condition.  Then He took you in His nail-scarred hands and washed you in the cleansing and renewing water of Holy Baptism.  Rescued you from the darkness of damnation and brought you into His marvelous kingdom of light! In Holy Baptism you were enlightened with the Spirit’s gift of saving faith. Seeing Him for who He truly is:  your Savior!  Jesus turned your darkness into light!     
11.                    “Once you were darkness,” the apostle says in today’s Epistle (Ephesians 5:8).  “But now you are light in the Lord” so that you “live as children of light.”  Life was never the same for the blind man Jesus healed! Jesus called him to faith.  Life is never the same for you that are baptized into Christ, washed, cleansed, and called to faith in Christ by the Holy Spirit through Baptism.  You’ve been brought from death to life in the wounds of Jesus.  Jesus has turned your darkness into light!
12.                    And so you live your lives differently.  What does that mean?  It means living a life of forgiveness.  Who has hurt you?  Who has sinned against you?  Someone at school?  At work?  In your family?  In our congregation?  What was it that person said?  Or did to you?  What are you going to do?  Go back to living in darkness and death?  Hold grudges?  Plot revenge? Make threats under your breath?  Strike back?  That’s not the way of life.  That’s all in the way of deep darkness and death.  “It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret,” Paul says in the Epistle (Ephesians 5:12). 
13.                    Because of Jesus and the faith He’s given you, you are given to live as children of light!  Forgive.  Let all the sin committed against you go.  Christ died for you.  All your sin is forgiven in Him.  One of the highest and holiest divine callings in your life then is forgive those who have sinned against you just as Christ has forgiven you.  Let the light of Christ’s forgiveness melt your hearts and those that have hurt you.  Let Christ and His blood mediate between you and those who have hurt you. Otherwise you will destroy each other, your family, your society, our congregation. Darkness! Death!   
14.                    We who have been brought into the light of Jesus are called to live differently in another way too.  We no longer cover our sin with fashionable fig leaves of every variety. We no longer scurry like cockroaches into every dark corner when the light comes on.  Instead, we let the bright beams of Christ’s death shine brightly into every dark corner of our lives. 
15.                    Do you get what I’m saying here?  It means this. Children of the Light of Jesus, with the Holy Spirit’s help, fight against themselves.  Daily using God’s holy Word to go to war against your own sinful flesh and all your pet sins.  God’s Word is the sword of the Spirit that slays you and then raises you up to faith in Jesus! And so each day you engage in a life or death struggle with your old Adam, you old sinful nature.  In such a tussle, sin will never be as much fun again.  Exposed in the Light of Jesus’ death on the cross, sin is now seen for what it really is.  It is a horrible, wicked, deep dark monster.  And so you are given to die to your sin!  And live to God through faith in Jesus!  Every day!    
16.                    Can you imagine being given the gift of sight and then going back to being blind?  Can you imagine being given the gift of spiritual sight in Jesus but then going back to darkness and death? May it never be! You belong to Jesus!  He has interrupted your existence.  Died on a Friday called “Good.”  Rose from the grave!  Buried you with Him into His death and resurrection that counts for you in Baptism.  He saved you through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit whom He poured out on you generously.   Called you by the Gospel.  Enlightened you with faith in Him!
17.                    What is there left to do?  I would suggest exactly what the man Jesus healed said and did:  “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped Jesus.  That’s “fixing our eyes on Jesus” as the Gradual for Lent teaches us.  And, so we worship Jesus all our lives and we thank Him for turning our darkness into light!  Amen.

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