Monday, December 9, 2024

“Doing What Matters Most” Phil 1:2-11 Advent 2C Dec ’24

1.                Please pray with me. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts, be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, our Rock, and our Redeemer. Amen. The message from God’s Word on this Second Sunday in Advent is taken from Philippians 1:2-11, it’s entitled, “Doing What Matters Most,” dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

2.                “Approve what is excellent”—one phrase out of this opening of Paul’s Letter to the Philippians. Paul wants the people in the church to think carefully about what matters most. At the end of this letter, Paul writes that we are to think about what is honorable, just, pure, lovely, and commendable. If there is any excellence, anything worthy of praise, we are to think about those things. At the beginning and the end of the letter, then, he says we are to approve what is excellent—that is, what matters most, what counts in the long run.

3.                What is excellent? What counts as excellence in the long run? This morning, I have some pictures of rocks to remind us what is excellent. The first rock has, “Thanksgiving” & “Church” on it. Giving thanks for people in the church is excellent. Paul starts the letter by telling the Philippians how thankful he is for them. He loved the people in this church. They supported him whether he was starting churches or in jail. They sent him gifts of money when he needed it. They held fast to Jesus and the truth when threatened because of their faith. This congregation partnered with him in the Gospel, the good news of the salvation Jesus brought to the world. Paul could count on them and their love for him and one another. So, Paul gave thanks for the people there when he prayed. He thanked God for the Church in Philippi because they were God’s gift to him.

4.                Did you ever stop to think that we are God’s gifts to one another? The church isn’t like a bowling league or some political organization where we get together because we like the same things. No, God has brought us together around Jesus. He has given us to one another to support and encourage. What is excellent? What matters most? For one, giving thanks for one another in the church because we are God’s gifts for others. When I pray, I need to give thanks for your partnership in the Gospel. I walk through the Sunday School area and see people getting ready to teach the kids about Jesus. We have Bible class, and you share your faith in Jesus. One rock with the word “thanksgiving” on it. On the reverse side, “church.” What really matters: for one thing, thanking God for each other in the church. Thanking him for giving us as gifts to one another.

5.                A second rock has the word “Confidence” on one side and “Jesus” on the other. Paul was confident the Philippians would be there at the end of time. When Jesus comes back again. Paul was confident that Jesus would keep them in the faith until that great day of resurrection. He says that Jesus began this good work in them and Jesus will finish it as well. Did you notice why Paul was so confident? It’s all because of Jesus.

6.                Paul was confident back then. Today, we wonder. Each week, churches close because of lack of members. Attendance figures are down across much of the country. In some surveys, the fastest growing group for religious affiliation is “None.” Islam is growing, while Christian churches have more and more empty pews. Many congregations are missing entire age groups like those in their twenties and thirties. Going to sporting events has become more important than worship. But still, Paul calls for us to be confident that Jesus will bring us to completion on the Last Day. Jesus will do it. He is our confidence. How so? Because of how he began the good work in us.

7.                Listen to these wonderful words: “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” And what happens? We welcome a new member into God’s family, a child of the heavenly Father. Jesus began that. On a cross, where forgiveness was won. Leaving behind an empty tomb, Jesus lives again to live in our lives. In Baptism, we are buried with Christ in his death and raised to new life in his resurrection. What a wonderful good work he began in our lives. At the end, Jesus will bring it to completion. He will hold on to us. He will keep us in the faith. Paul is confident because Jesus is behind it all.

8.                What a confidence booster! We were affirming what mattered most? What would count at the end? Through holy baptism we are buried with Christ, forgiven, and the Holy Spirit is living on the inside of us. Yes, Jesus will bring this good work to completion on the Last Day! So this is the rock with Jesus on the one side and the other side having the word confidence.

9.                The third rock for what is excellent has “Love” on one side and “Others” on the other side. The apostle Paul prays that the Philippians will abound more and more with love. It’s not that they aren’t loving. They are. Paul just prays that their love will abound. Now remember, love is not just some feeling you have inside. Love, as the Bible sees it, as a Christian loves, is active. It’s doing things. Love is a verb. And what does it do? Love does what benefits someone else. Love does what God wants done. Love seeks what is excellent, pure, honorable, just, commendable, lovely.

10.             What would love look like for us? I think about the Last Day when Jesus comes back. It’s a time of no more tears, no more hunger, no more pain, no more sickness and death, no more loneliness, no more fear. What does God want? When we begin to make those very things happen now that will be brought to completion on the Last Day, that’s love.

11.             No more tears. Love wipes away tears with an embrace, a comforting word, a prayer spoken out loud, a safe place for someone to talk and rest. No more hunger. Love gives food to those who don’t have meals to eat or money to buy what’s healthy for their family. No more pain. Love bandages a wound, whether that’s with a bandage or words or simply being there for the person. No more sickness and death. Love supports research that seeks to heal diseases, and then, when death comes, provides support and meals and whatever to the grieving family. No more loneliness. Love visits, sends a card, makes a phone call. No more fear. Love protects even when it may put you in danger.

12.             The Philippians put their love into action for Paul. Lydia was one of the first members of the church there. She offered her home to Paul and those who were with him to stay in. Her love blossomed in hospitality. When Paul and Silas were in Philippi, they were thrown into jail. That night they sang hymns and prayed. An earthquake came, and the doors were opened. The jailer was ready to commit suicide because he thought all the prisoners had escaped. But Paul cried out, “Don’t hurt yourself, for we are all here.” That very night the jailer became a believer, as did everyone in his household. Then the jailer’s love flowed as he washed Paul’s wounds. And this church gave money. They gave more than they could afford to give to support Paul and his work or when he ended up in prison. This rock is love. Love matters. Love is excellent. Love counts at the end. And on the back it simply says “Others.”

13.             I remember a demonstration I once saw about how best to use your time. It involved a jar like this one filled with rocks. These bigger rocks are what matter most, what will count at the end. Now can you put any more in the jar? Yes, you can. Here is some gravel. The smaller rocks. Things not quite as important, like how many TVs you have or the make of your car or which restaurant you can eat at. Now is it full? No, here’s some sand. Tiny rocks. Things even less important but still part of our everyday lives, like what TV show you watched or what store you went to. What’s the point? That we can always fit more things to do into our lives? Nope. The point is this: you need to put in the big rocks first.

14.             Paul calls for us to approve what is excellent. He wants us to fill our lives with the big rocks of thanking God for the gifts we are to one another in the church as partners in the Gospel, of confidence because Jesus is alive and will bring us to the end with him, and of love for others who have so many needs. Yes, put in those big rocks first. Approve what is excellent every day of your lives. Amen. Now the peace of God that passes all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, until life everlasting. Amen.





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