Pastor John M. Taggatz, Carol Wentz, Secretary
April, 2012 Lela Rehmer, Custodian Kevin Kahle, Groundskeeper
Church E-mail:;
Web Site:

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Serving on the Altar Guild
for April are: Toni Rehmer & Linda
Ushers for the Month of April
Kevin Luthy, Larry Erdmann,
Terry Rehmer, Cory Rehmer, Brian
Bruce Schoenbeck, Wes
Stellhorn and
Dennis Wegener
(618) 785-2344 (or)
(618) 785-2602
-When a member of your family is
admitted to the hospital, so a visit can be made by Pastor Taggatz.
- When your group plans to hold a meeting, so it can be cleared
and placed on the church calendar.
-When your home or business phone number or address is changed, so
church records can be corrected.
- When you are planning to move either out of town or locally.
- When you know you are pregnant
so that we will be able to assist you in any way we can with prayers,
encouragement and support.
- When a new baby arrives in your
family or in the family of another church member.
- When you are planning a wedding or baptism.
“The Last Week”
people sitting in a doctor’s office have heard the grim announcement: “You have six weeks to live.” What if you received that news? What if you were told, “one week”? How would you
spend it? Take a minute to think about
In the first
month of April we’ll be observing Holy Week, the last week of Jesus’ life on
earth. How did He spend it? Luke 19 describes Jesus’ Triumphal Entry in
Jerusalem on the day we commonly call Palm Sunday. The next three chapters record Jesus’
activities during that Holy Week. If you
look at the headings in your Bible, you may see the following subjects: “Jesus
Cleanses the Temple”; “The Parable of the Wicked Tenants”; “Paying Taxes to
Caesar”; “Sadducees Ask About the Resurrection”; “Whose Son is the Christ?”; “The Widow’s
Offering”; “Jesus Foretells Destruction of the Temple, Wars and Persecution,
Destruction of Jerusalem”; “The Coming of the Son of Man”; “The Lesson of the
Fig Tree”; “Watch Yourselves”.
appears that Jesus was pretty busy that last week. He was busy about His Father’s business, as
He had been since the age of 12 when His parents found Him in the temple
teaching the teachers. By stories and
parables, through questions and answers, He was trying to reach the hearts of
all, calling them to repentance and faith, warning them about the days to come,
and promising His presence and help during times of persecution. He was doing during His last week what He
had done throughout His ministry.
too, should be about our Father’s business.
We should lead our lives so that whether we have years or just days we
will be helping the helpless, befriending the lonely, visiting the sick,
sharing the Gospel in word and deed and receiving His gifts of forgiveness,
life, and salvation through Word and Sacrament in the Divine Service to enable
us to carry out our Lord’s Kingdom work.
Every week should be lived as if it were the last week.
See You in Church!
Pastor Taggatz

God’s Great “Yes!”
“For I the Lord do
not change,” spoke our Lord through the prophet Malachi in chapter 3, verse 6. This statement is confirmed by Paul who wrote
these words in 2 Corinthians 1:19-22: “For as the Son of God, Jesus Christ, Whom we
proclaimed among you, Silvanus and Timothy and I, was not Yes and No, but in
Him it is always Yes. For all the
promises of God find their Yes in Him.
That is why it is through Him that we utter our Amen to God for His
glory. And it is God Who establishes us
with you in Christ, and has anointed us, and Who has also put His seal on us
and given us His Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.” God
does not change His mind about His
promises to us. All that God has
promised us has been or will be fulfilled through His only Son Who has taken
our sins in His body on the cross and Who has risen from the dead, guaranteeing
that we, too, will rise from the dead and will live forever with Him in Heaven.
respond with the great “Amen!”
“Yes! Yes! Yes!
It shall be so!” We offer our
honor and praise to God through His Son as we rejoice at the empty tomb. We offer our lives and our resources in
thanksgiving to the One Who loves us with an incomprehensible love.
Christ alone, God fulfilled all His Old Testament promises of redemption. In Christ, we stand unwavering in faith. In Christ, we are His own. In Christ, we look forward in hope and joyful
anticipation to seeing our Savior face to face!
live as redeemed people of the victorious Lamb of God. As that Lamb came seeking us who were lost
(Luke 19:10), we now continue that work, for our will is that of “God
our Savior, Who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of
the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4).
We Remember in Our Prayers— We pray for Mickey Umbdenstock, Linda
Nagel, Elizabeth Montroy, Lori Adair, Jason Mines, Bonnie Highberger, Lee
Hogandobler, Evan Saldana, Dennis Bunte, & Jim Spier, all who are battling
serious illnesses. We pray for Greg
Laufer, as he continues to be under rehabilitation. We pray for Stacy Miller, a friend of Tammy
Prost, as she continues to recover from an injury, and for Ron Wurm, Roxanne
Taggatz’s brother, who is currently recovering from surgery he recently
We mourn with Rudolph Sommer’s family, the brother of Mathilda, Frieda,
and Emilie Sommer, and Ella Falkenhein, and with Elaine Hargis’s family upon
the death of her brother Roland Diercks. We pray that God would
comfort the Sommer and Hargis family upon the death of Rudolph & Roland
with His Son Jesus’ victory over death and with the assurance that their loved
ones who have departed in the faith, join the whole company of heaven in
singing praises to the living Lamb and that they too, through faith in Jesus as
their Lord and Savior, will see them again and their Lord Jesus, who bled and
died that we would have eternal life with Him in heaven.
On Sunday April 15th we will be having a Benefit Chicken and Dumpling Dinner for Keith and Lori Adair. There will be a silent auction. A bake sale will be put on by the Ladies Aid, donations of pies and cakes will be needed. See the Sunday bulletin for further details. This will be a Thrivent sponsored event.
Sunday Mornings (8:45 a.m.)
“The Book of Revelation”
“The Book of Revelation”
sales of religious books dealing with the end times reliably indicate the
nation’s spiritual appetite, one could say there is a deep hunger in the land.
Since the 1970’s readers have devoured such titles as Late Great Planet
Earth by Hal Lindsey, and more recently the Left Behind book series
by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins (to date over 60 million copies sold).
popular end times literature offers to satisfy a gnawing desire for a manifestation
of Christ’s power and presence in our lives. Maybe complicated Bible
mysteries—solved by experts offering tailor-made explanations—offer a soothing
diversion from our increasingly complicated existence. Perhaps we pine for a
quick deliverance (like a secret rapture) from all of life’s pain and
disappointments. Regardless of cause or supposed cure, much of the popular end
times material—what we could call “pop-prophecy”—will leave one empty.
contrast, the apostle John serves a rich banquet remarkably different from the
fare contemporary end times authors often provide. In Revelation John presents
a Lamb who was slain, yet has been raised from the dead and now rules and
reigns from His heavenly throne. His power and presence are not confined to heaven,
however. In Word and Sacrament He makes Himself truly present in the everyday
lives of His holy people. He offers real strength and encouragement in the
midst of Satan’s assaults, pain, suffering, and death. He has conquered these
our greatest enemies; they flee in terror at the sight of His holy cross. He is
here, now, with us; He will come again to make everything new. These truly
Biblical teachings about God’s Lamb can satisfy the hunger of every heart, and
soothe the longing of every soul, forever.
-There will be no LYF meeting on Palm Sunday April 1st
due to Conf. Sunday
-April 8th --LYF will help out with S.S.
Easter Egg Hunt & the LYF Easter Breakfast
-April 20th-21st LYF Lock-in in the St. John School
-If you have any questions email: Fleta Junge: /call 282-4642 or 618-444-2764.
Remember: Every 3rd Sunday of the
month we are praying for people who are in the military. If you have a relative or friend who is an
armed serviceman and woman in our Nation’s military please let the Church know
so that we may be able to pray for them on the third Sunday of the month.
This year’s Chicken
Dinner proceeds will be placed in the general
fund and the Lenten
folders will go to the repair of the
school roof.
810 Soldiers Way, Evansville, IL 62242
618-853-7300 Fax 618-853-7361
John Christman, Principal
Club will be performing their spring production of Maid to Order by Matthew K. Begbie on March 30 & 31. Production
will be at St. John Lutheran School in Red Bud with both performances beginning
at 7:30 p.m. Tickets will be available to purchase at the door: $5 for adults,
$3 for students, and children under 5 are free. Concessions will be available
for purchase.
DINNER AUCTION: Christ Our Savior’s Annual Dinner
Auction will be Saturday, April 28. The silent auction will begin at 4:00 p.m.
Dinner will be at 6:00 p.m. followed by the live auction at 7:00 p.m. The
auction committee is now collecting items for both the silent and live
This year’s auction will include a Yamaha Zuma 50F Scooter and a 2012
Grizzly 300 4-wheeler from Van's Yamaha. To check out more information about
our auction items, go to our Facebook page. This is the last week to purchase
your reservations for $30 and tables of 8 for the cost of only $210. After
April 1st, reservations will be $35 or a table of 8 for $245.
WELCOME: Assistance with events
is always appreciated. Anyone who is interested in volunteering time to help
with the school lunch stands and/or the
dinner auction (by either picking up items within your community or making
phone calls from your home), please call the school’s office.
has an opening for a part-time science teacher for the 2012-2013 school. Candidates must be qualified to teach Biology
& Chemistry. IL Certification
preferred. Please submit resumes to the
office by March 30.
Most of us take those summonses for jury duty seriously, but enough
people skip out on their civic duty that a new and ominous kind of fraud has
The caller claims to be a JURY DUTY coordinator. If you protest that you never received a summons for jury duty, the Scammer asks you for your Social Security number and date of birth so he or she can verify the information and cancel the arrest warrant. Give out any of this information and bingo; your identity was just stolen. The fraud has been reported so far in 11 states, including Oklahoma, Illinois, Colorado, Arizona and more. This (swindle) is particularly insidious because they use intimidation over the phone to try to bully people into giving information by pretending they are with the court system.
The FBI and the federal court system have issued nationwide alerts on their web sites, warning consumers about the fraud.
Check it out here:
The caller claims to be a JURY DUTY coordinator. If you protest that you never received a summons for jury duty, the Scammer asks you for your Social Security number and date of birth so he or she can verify the information and cancel the arrest warrant. Give out any of this information and bingo; your identity was just stolen. The fraud has been reported so far in 11 states, including Oklahoma, Illinois, Colorado, Arizona and more. This (swindle) is particularly insidious because they use intimidation over the phone to try to bully people into giving information by pretending they are with the court system.
The FBI and the federal court system have issued nationwide alerts on their web sites, warning consumers about the fraud.
Check it out here:
The St. John’s Ladies Aid will be hosting
the LWML Lower Kaskaskia Spring Rally here in Baldwin on Thur. April 12. Registration begins at 9am. Our speaker for the day is from LCMS –World
Relief & Human Care. The theme for
the rally is “Hands of Mercy.” This will be a day of inspiration, education,
and fellowship. All members of the
congregation are welcome, both men and women.
If you have never attended one of these, this is your opportunity to
join us for an encouraging and enjoyable day.
Lunch will be provided at a cost of $6, payable to St. John’s Ladies
Aid, c/o Debbie Hammel.

Rowold Laverna Luthy
Red Bud Nursing
Home Three Springs N. Home
350 W. South 1st 161 Three Springs
Rd. Red Bud , IL
62278 Chester , IL 62233
Opal Luthy Patty
Red Bud Nursing
Home 402 W.
2nd St.
350 W. South 1st Apt. F.
Bud, IL 62278 Sparta, IL 62286
Junge Mr.
& Mrs. Russell Mahan
IL 62217 New Athens, IL

Present: Pastor Taggatz,
Gene Luthy, Gerald Poeniski, Marla Huebner, Toni Rehmer, Marvin Liefer, Tony
Junge, Robert Wirth, Linda Schoenbeck, Fleta Junge.
The meeting was called to order by Pres. Gene Luthy.
Opening devotions were given by Pastor Taggatz.
Minutes from the previous meeting: were read and approved.
Financial Secretary’s Report:
No report
Treasurer’s report:
Ending balance for the general fund for February 2012 – ($4,429.14).
Motion made and second to approve. Motion carried
Spiritual Ministries/Elder: Membership
transfer requested and approved for Danette Kaesburg (former name Minton) to
St. John Lutheran in Red Bud, IL. Motion made and second to approve. Motion
- A request for a new power point projector was received
since the original projector was purchased at the time Pastor Eckert served as
our pastor. The projector would be used for Bible Studies on Sunday Mornings,
special events and for Vacation Bible school. Motion was made and second to
have a door collection on May 5th and 6th to cover the
expense of the projector. Motion carried.
Church Properties: More
roofing bids were received from Roscow Roofing, Bauer Brothers, Shrum
Contracting and Wrights Building. Bids were received as follows: Roscow Roofing
$26.549.00, Bauer Brothers $29,200.00, Wrights Building $30,252.48, with a one
year warranty on their work, and Shrum Contracting $22,580.00 which includes
with a non-profit organizational discount of $2,600.00 and a 10 year warranty
on their work. It was also noted that structural repairs may be needed at the
time the roof is repaired. After discussion on the type of materials and labor
that would be used by each contractor, motion was made and second to use Shrum Contracting,
who will use heavy paper and 30 year shingles.
Motion carried.
-A congregational meeting after church will be conducted on
March 25th, 2012 to present the council’s recommendation of Shrum
Contracting to do the repairs to the school. It was also suggested that a hand
out sheet be typed up to show members all the bids, materials and labor.
-It was noted that the bill from Poletti Plumbing for the
sewer digging that had been done at the school was paid half by the town and
now the church would be responsible for the other half of the bill. It was noted that the bill should be around
$260.19, but a request for an invoice was suggested.
-Corey Roscow commented that he would take care of the dust
to dawn light behind the school.
Social Ministries: Special request for a fundraiser was
received to help out Keith & Lori Adair, who are struggling financially due
to Keith being on disability and Lori unable to work due to her cancer
treatments. Motion was made and second
to hold a Chicken & Dumpling Dinner on April 15th, 2012 to help
Keith & Lori Adair. Motion carried. Toni Rehmer volunteered to get ads in
newspapers and information out to congregations.
Stewardship: Community
Easter egg hunt will be held on Saturday, March 31st at 2 p.m. at
the Baldwin Village Park. There will be plastic eggs with candy, scripture
verses etc. If anyone would like to volunteer or donate items, contact Linda
Lutheran Youth Fellowship:
- LYF will be doing Laser Tag on March 17th,
- No meeting in April due to confirmation.
- LYF Easter Breakfast and Easter egg hunt on April 8th,
- LYF will hold a lock-in at St. John Lutheran, Baldwin on
April 20th, 2012.
- LYF next meeting will be May 6th.
Pastor’s Report:
Pastoral Acts from
Feb. 15th ‘12 through March 13th, 2012—
Saturday & Sunday worship responsibilities & catechetical youth
- 4
Bible Study class sessions (Sunday mornings)
School chapel @ Unity Lutheran School E. St.
Louis March 7th
Southern IL District Convention, Feb. 16th- 18th
Baptism--Rudolph W. Sommer, March 7th, 2012
Funeral--Rudolph W. Sommer, March 12th, 2012
Committal Service--Opal Copple, Feb. 22nd
Counseling sessions
R. County Care Center Chapel service Feb. 29th
- 1
Hospital Visit
-10 Homebound//Member
Pastor’s Circuit meeting at Holy Cross
Renault March 6th
-Lenten Midweek Services at St. John – Wednesday February 22nd
thru Wednesday, April 8th at 7:00 pm. The theme this year is “Truly,
This Is The Son of God”.
-Holy Week Services:
April 1st
– Palm Sunday/Confirmation Service with
Holy Communion @ 10:00 am
April 5th
– Maundy Thursday with Holy Communion
@ 7:00 pm
April 6th
– Good Friday Tenebrae Service @ 7:00 pm
April 8th
– Easter Sunrise Service with Holy Communion
@ 6:30 am
April 8th
– Easter Morning Service with Holy Communion
@ 10:00 am
-Door Offering for Missions at St. John Baldwin for 2012
will be:
-Operation Blessing in March 25,
-Rev Tim & Lisa Beckendorf of
Lutheran Bible Translators in Botswana, Africa in August 2012
-SIGHT Ministry Center in October
2012 for LWML Sunday
-Confirmation Questioning will be on Sunday, March 25th
and Confirmation will be on Palm Sunday, April 1st.
Old Business: Treasurer
will continue research the error with the IRS on Social Security issue.
-The church secretarial position was discussed and motion
was made and second to offer the position to Jenna Otten with her starting date
to be the last week in March. Motion carried.
New Business: Motion was
made and seconded to designate Lenten folder money toward roofing repairs to
the school. Motion carried
- Motion was made and seconded to designate Chicken Dinner
Proceeds to the general funds. Motion carried.
-Three sheets of shingles came off the church and Gateway FS
did the repairs and hoping no bill will be involved due to the fact it has been
less than a year since it was last repaired.
- On March 2nd, the fire extinguishers were
- On March 9th, water in the basement hit the new
furnace and now parts for the furnace are needed and talked about possible
raising the furnace to avoid any more water damage.
- Pastors mileage will remain at $266.00 per month as stated
in budget starting April1st. Anything over that amount will be pastor’s
responsibility. Motion was made and seconded. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Motion was made and seconded to adjourn.
Motion carried.
The meeting was closed with prayer and the Lord’s Prayer.
President, Gene Luthy
Secretary, Marla Huebner
-St. John Baldwin Community Easter Egg Hunt for 2012—the Stewardship
Board is once again planning to have a community Easter Egg hunt for the
children of Baldwin ages pre-school through 3rd Grade. -It will be on Sat. March 31st at
2pm at the Baldwin Village Park. There
will be plastic eggs with candy, scripture verses etc. Gifts bags will be passed out to the children
and parents with a magnet of our church, a brochure including our church
worship times, Sunday School etc… and a pen of our church along with jelly beans. If you would like to volunteer or donate
items for this event please talk to Linda Schoenbeck.

Augsburg Confession
“Confession & Absolution” (continued…)
Introductory Note: Luther
never intended to abolish private Confession and Absolution, only to do away
with the errors and abuses that had come to be associated with it. A
particularly great abuse was the requirement for a complete enumeration of
sins. Luther insists on the biblical view of God’s mercy and grace, which comes
by the external, objective, and outward Word.
Radical reformers taught that people should seek
God outside of His Word, looking instead to their inner feelings, thoughts, and
other so-called spiritual experiences. (Luther calls them enthusiasts or Schwärmer,
a German word for the buzzing of bees.) Many make the same claims today! This
error is rooted deeply in all people as a result of the Fall. It must be
battled constantly. It is also the root source of papal errors. Luther makes
this key point, “God does not wish to deal with us in any other way than
through the spoken Word and the Sacraments.” He speaks; we listen. At His
speaking, it is done. (See AC XI and XXV; SC V; Appendix B, An Exhortation to
1 Absolution, or the Power of the Keys, is an aid
against sin and a consolation for a bad conscience; it is ordained by Christ in
the Gospel [Matthew 16:19]. Therefore, Confession and Absolution should by no
means be abolished in the Church. This is especially for the sake of timid consciences
and untrained young people, so they may be examined and instructed in Christian
2 But the
listing of sins should be free to everyone, as to what a person wishes to list
or not to list. For as long as we are in the flesh, we will not lie when we
say, “I am a poor man, full of sin”; “I see in my members another law”; and
such (Romans 7:23). Since private Absolution originates in the Office of the
Keys, it should not be despised, but greatly and highly esteemed, along with
all other offices of the Christian Church…
We must constantly maintain this point: God does
not want to deal with us in any other way than through the spoken Word and the
Sacraments. Whatever is praised as from the Spirit—without the Word and
Sacraments—is the devil himself. 11
God wanted to appear even to Moses through the burning bush and spoken Word
[Exodus 3:2–15]. 12 No
prophet, neither Elijah nor Elisha, received the Spirit without the Ten
Commandments ‹or the spoken Word›. John the Baptist was not conceived without
the word of Gabriel coming first, nor did he leap in his mother’s womb without
Mary’s voice [Luke 1:11–20, 41]. 13
Peter says, “For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men
spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” [2 Peter 1:21].
Without the outward Word, however, they were not holy. Much less would the Holy
Spirit have moved them to speak when they were still unholy. They were holy,
says he, since the Holy Spirit spoke through them. (Smalcald Articles III, VIII
1-2, 10-13)
Concordia : The
Lutheran Confessions. 2005 (Edited by Paul Timothy McCain) (279-281). St.
Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House.
CONTENDING FOR TRUTH IN AN AGE OF ANTI-TRUTH…Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show hosted by LCMS
Pastor Todd Wilken and produced by Lutheran Public Radio. This
week’s topics include: The Intolerance of Tolerance, Classical Christian
Worship, Joseph the Guardian of Jesus, Jesus & Zacchaeus and more.
You can listen LIVE weekdays from 3-5 p.m. on KFUO, 850 AM. You can
also listen on-demand at
Giving through
Thrivent Choice for March 2012 — I am pleased to announce that our
giving through the Thrivent Choice program for March ‘12 has amounted to: $101.00. -Total
amount our church has received from the Thrivent Choice program since Jan.
2012: $643.00.
notice regarding the Thrivent Choice Program:
might have already received notice of a change in the Thrivent Choice program
by mail, but just in case you haven’t there is some important information for
you to know about. This year of 2012 all
Thrivent members wishing to continue their automatic withdrawal to the charity
of their choice will have to let Thrivent know either by mail or phone. It only needs to be done once for this
year. To continue to direct your Choice Dollars to the charity of your
choice call: 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) and state "Thrivent
Choice." You only need to call once
for this year.
VBS at St. John will be “Babylon,
the Prophet Daniel’s Courage in Captivity.”
This year’s VBS will be from Sun. July 8th-12th. On Sunday it will go from 5:30pm-8:30pm and
on Monday through Thursday it will be from 6:00pm till 8:30 pm… We will be looking in the Old Testament book
of Daniel during this year’s VBS. Daniel
was way more than the guy who survived a den of hungry lions! Travel back to Babylon and join Daniel--torn
from his home and forced into the king's service. Imagine the pressure of
learning a new language and culture…and the shock of discovering your best
friends have been tossed into a fiery furnace. In this VBS kids and adults will
find that they're not much different from Daniel and his friends, who kept
their faith in a faithless culture. If you are interested in volunteering to
help out with VBS this year please contact our Sunday School Superintendent
Traci Liefer @ 618-282-3678.
Ride for the Cross--A Fundraiser for the Southern Illinois District Prison
On April
28th, the SID Prison Ministry Task force is sponsoring its inaugural Ride for
the Cross poker run.
The purpose
of this run is to raise additional funds for Bibles, devotions and others
materials that our
ministry volunteers need.
If you would
like to make a donation, either an item for prize or the auction or money to help
defray costs, feel free to contact me. I
thank you for your time and I pray that God will bless all of you during this
Lenten season.
Jon Hohgrefe
SID Prison Ministry Task Force
Easter Outreach Opportunity
A new film called Road to Emmaus, designed and produced for every
congregation to consider for Easter 2012. It is designed to help churches with
outreach in there communities. This
Easter film, produced by an award-winning LCMS film-maker, is 30 minutes long.
The film and outreach opportunity was made possible by a generous grant. For
more info go to:
SID 56th Regular Convention
A worship service opened the three-day 56th regular
convention of the Southern Illinois District (SID) of The Lutheran
Church-Missouri Synod on Feb. 16 at the Regency Conference Center in O’Fallon.
The convention theme was “Rejoice in Hope”
based on Rom. 12:12.
The Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, president of the Lutheran
Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) was the preacher.
In President Harrison’s message, he told the assembly that
he had returned from Washington, D.C. where he testified before the U.S.
Congress on Feb. 16. He also related his experience when visiting poverty
stricken countries. During a questioning period in the business session, he
told those present to look at the needs of their community and identify those
The Rev. Bishop Dr. Wilhelm Weber from the Lutheran Church
in Southern Africa served as the convention essayist. Throughout the
convention, he expanded on the convention theme as he directed the assembly to
the salvation in Christ Jesus.
Delegates elected Rev. Timothy Scharr of Aviston as
president of the SID. He is starting his first full-time term, after assuming a
vacancy when Rev. Herbert C. Mueller, Jr. of Waterloo was elected as LCMS first
vice president in 2010. Also elected were Rev. Michael Walther of Collinsville,
first vice president and Rev. Bruce Keseman of Freeburg, second vice president.
Rev. George Gude of Dorsey was elected secretary and Gary
Hemmer of Columbia as district treasurer. Elected to the Board of Directors:
Matt Bertels of Dorsey; Les Cramer of Murphysboro; Richard Diefenbach of Anna;
David Dyson of Nashville; Don Hutchinson of Lebanon; Chris Loemker of Freeburg;
Mark Peterson of Marion; Ruth Waeltz of Steeleville; William Becker, Mark
Sochowski, Cindy Nebel all from Red Bud; Rev. Martin Schultz of Wood River; and
Rev. Kirk Clayton of Mascoutah.
Please keep all of these servants
in your prayers during this next triennium.
Also elected were Rev. Michael Walther of Collinsville, first vice
president and Rev. Bruce Keseman of Freeburg, second vice president.
Rev. George Gude of Dorsey was
elected secretary and Gary Hemmer of Columbia as treasurer. The board of
directed were: Matthew Bertels of Dorsey; Les Cramer of Murphysboro; Richard
Diefenbach of Anna; David Dyson of Nashville; Don Hutchinson of Lebanon; Chris
Loemker of Freeburg; Mark Peterson of Marion; Ruth Waltz of Steeleville and
William Becker, Mark Sochowski and Cindy Nebel, all of Red Bud; Rev. Martin
Schultz of Wood River and Rev. Kirk Clayton of Mascoutah.
Attending from this area were: The SID is part of The
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, with 96 congregations, 20 schools, 18
preschools and three high schools throughout southern Illinois.
Come and bring a
friend to “Growing through Life’s Trials”, a free, half-day retreat for
women sponsored by Immanuel Lutheran Church in Waterloo. The event is 21 April,
9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. Enjoy breakfast, music
and God’s Word as well-known author, speaker and radio personality Jane Wilke
shares the comforting news that God helps us grow- even through trials. Call
1-618-939-6480 for more information.

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