Pastor John M. Taggatz, Jenna Otten, Secretary
May/ June,
2012 Lela Rehmer, Custodian Kevin Kahle, Groundskeeper
Church E-mail:;
Web Site:

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on the Altar Guild for May/ June are:
May--Julia Kahle and Carol Wentz
June--Geri Stolte and Marla Huebner
Ushers for the Month of May/ June are: Gary Huebner, Kyle Junge, Leland Junge, Tony Junge,
Carol Laufer, Gene Luthy, Corey Roscow, and Mark Schoenbeck
(618) 785-2344 (or)
(618) 785-2602
-When a member of your family is
admitted to the hospital, so a visit can be made by Pastor Taggatz.
- When your group plans to hold a meeting, so it can be cleared
and placed on the church calendar.
-When your home or business phone number or address is changed, so
church records can be corrected.
- When you are planning to move either out of town or locally.
- When you know you are pregnant
so that we will be able to assist you in any way we can with prayers,
encouragement and support.
- When a new baby arrives in your
family or in the family of another church member.
- When you are planning a wedding or baptism.
“We’ve Won!”
“Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be
changed… the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed…The
sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, Who gives us the
victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:51-57).
We’ve all been
stung by death. Children die. People in great physical condition die. Sickness or age or accident creeps up on us,
and we all die. Sounds morbid, doesn’t
it? But death is a final and painful
reality. When death comes to one we
love, no matter the age of the person, we are stung. For some the sting remains, even though it
may be eased by passing time. When death
comes to a Christian, however, the sting of death is momentary. We who mourn do not mourn without hope, for
we know that death is not the end.
The disciples who
watched their Savior hang on the cross were stung by His death. They mourned without hope, for they didn’t
know His death was not permanent. That
hopelessness turned to great joy, though, when Christ appeared to them
alive! Because He rose from the dead,
we, too, shall rise. Death could not
triumph over Christ and it cannot triumph over us. Through Christ, we’ve won! Death is defeated. Eternal life begins at our Baptism and
carries us into Heaven.
What a profound
mystery this is! Our only response is to
cry, “Thanks be to God!” The
sting of death is removed because, in Christ, we’ve won!
Please pray with me. Dear Lord, You have taken away the sting of
death through Your death and resurrection.
You have given us new victorious lives to live in You each day. Keep us steadfast in faith until the end and
use us to spread the Good News of victory in Jesus. In His name we pray. Amen.
See You in Church!
Pastor Taggatz

“Where Are You Looking?”
the faithful women going to the tomb after that saddest of all days when Jesus
was crucified. It’s very early in the
morning, the Gospel writer Mark tells us, when they begin their walk with their
spices to anoint their Savior’s body.
They’re still grief-stricken, of course, but they have another problem:
How will they move the huge stone that blocks the passageway to Jesus’ burial
place? They arrive to find it’s already
been moved. Well, that’s curious. They enter the tomb, but there’s no
body! While they were “perplexed about this,” the Gospel
writer Luke understates, “behold, two men
stood by them in dazzling apparel. And
as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to
them, ‘Why do you seek the living among the dead?’” (Luke 24:3-5).
did they look for Christ to be in His tomb?
Why were they looking in the wrong place? Because they hadn’t completely understood the
things Jesus had told them before His crucifixion. Because they were operating according to
human logic. Once someone has died, He’s
dead. Of course, they would look for the
dead among the dead.
is a story that cannot be comprehended by human logic. This is a story to be believed and shared
with others. It’s the good news the
women heard: “Why do you seek the living
among the dead? He is not here, but has
risen” (Luke 24:5-6). We don’t look
for Christ among the dead for we know He is living!
around us are looking. They read
self-help books and follow the advice of the newest guru on TV. They start reading “spiritual” books. They’re looking for the Living among the
dead. The angel brought God’s Word to
the women; it is our privilege to bring His Word to those around us who are
looking. He is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!
“The sting of death is sin, and
the power of sin is the law. But thanks
be to God, Who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1
Corinthians 15:56).
We remember in our prayers— We pray for Mickey Umbdenstock, Karen
Willis, Linda Nagel, Elizabeth Montroy, Lori Adair, Jason Mines, Bonnie
Highberger, Lee Hogandobler, Evan Saldana, Dennis Bunte, Pastor Armand Mueller
& Jim Spier, all who are battling serious illnesses. We pray for Greg Laufer, as he continues to
be under rehabilitation. We pray for
Stacy Miller, a friend of Tammy Prost, who is currently undergoing therapy
after a recent injury. We pray for
Leland Stamm, who is currently hospitalized after a recent injury. We pray for Alex Junge, who is currently
hospitalized after an auto accident, and for Madison McDougall, who is
recovering from a broken leg. We also
pray for Jim Spier, as he recovers from surgery that he recently had.
We mourn with Julia
Kahle’s family, upon the death of her Aunt Rosie Phegley. We
pray that God would comfort Julia’s family upon the death of her Aunt with His
Son Jesus’ victory over death and with the assurance that their loved one who
have departed in the faith, join the whole company of heaven in singing praises
to the living Lamb and that they too, through faith in Jesus as their Lord and
Savior, will see them again and their Lord Jesus who bled and died that we
would have eternal life with Him in heaven.
Praise God from
whom all blessings flow! We thank
the Lord so much for blessing Larry & Bev Erdmann with the birth of a new grandson,
Stephen Lee, who was born last month.
Stephen is the son of Clayton Erdmann and his wife Rachel. O Lord, continue to watch over little Stephen,
so that He may grow up in the knowledge of You, and the grace and mercy found
in Your Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU--To all of those who donated
monetarily and gave items to help out with this year’s St. John Baldwin
Community Easter Egg Hunt that we held on Saturday March 31st at the
Baldwin Community Park. Thanks also to
those who volunteered to help out with the event. We had 25 children, along with their parents,
enjoy a good time and all of the kids went home happy with their Easter egg
baskets. Special thanks to Linda
Schoenbeck for organizing the event this year.
Special thanks to all those who helped out with the LYF Easter
Breakfast this year. Thanks to the
congregation for supporting our youth group as well! Your donations to our Youth Group are greatly
appreciated! It was a great time of fun, food, and fellowship as we celebrated
our Lord’s resurrection from the dead together as a congregation! Because He lives we too shall live! Christ is Risen, He’s Risen Indeed, Alleluia!
Sunday Mornings (8:45 a.m. through May 20th,
after Memorial Day Weekend @ 10:15 a.m.)
“The Book of Revelation”
“The Book of Revelation”
sales of religious books dealing with the end times reliably indicate the
nation’s spiritual appetite, one could say there is a deep hunger in the land.
Since the 1970’s readers have devoured such titles as Late Great Planet
Earth by Hal Lindsey, and more recently the Left Behind book series
by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins (to date over 60 million copies sold).
popular end times literature offers to satisfy a gnawing desire for a
manifestation of Christ’s power and presence in our lives. Maybe complicated
Bible mysteries—solved by experts offering tailor-made explanations—offer a
soothing diversion from our increasingly complicated existence. Perhaps we pine
for a quick deliverance (like a secret rapture) from all of life’s pain and
disappointments. Regardless of cause or supposed cure, much of the popular end
times material—what we could call “pop-prophecy”—will leave one empty.
contrast, the apostle John serves a rich banquet remarkably different from the
fare contemporary end times authors often provide. In Revelation John presents
a Lamb who was slain, yet has been raised from the dead and now rules and
reigns from His heavenly throne. His power and presence are not confined to
heaven, however. In Word and Sacrament He makes Himself truly present in the
everyday lives of His holy people. He offers real strength and encouragement in
the midst of Satan’s assaults, pain, suffering, and death. He has conquered
these our greatest enemies; they flee in terror at the sight of His holy cross.
He is here, now, with us; He will come again to make everything new. These
truly Biblical teachings about God’s Lamb can satisfy the hunger of every
heart, and soothe the longing of every soul, forever.
The Sunday School Children will be
singing the second Sunday in May (the 13th) during our 10 am worship
-May 6th--LYF Meeting after Church
- LYF will be handing out flowers for Mother’s day, May 13th.
-If you have any questions email: Fleta Junge: /call 282-4642 or 618-444-2764.
Remember: Every 3rd Sunday of the
month we are praying for people who are in the military. If you have a relative or friend who is an
armed serviceman and woman in our Nation’s military please let the Church know
so that we may be able to pray for them on the third Sunday of the month.
810 Soldiers Way, Evansville, IL 62242
618-853-7300 Fax 618-853-7361
John Christman, Principal
THEOLOGY CLASS: The junior/senior theology class has moved from their in-class
discussions and out into the community. The students, along with their teacher
Mr. Matthew Foster, have created and prepared a devotional message for the
Lutheran grade schools in the area. Students have already traveled to St.
John’s Lutheran School in Chester and St. John Lutheran School in Red Bud to
present their devotion during chapel. The class also plans to attend St. Mark’s
Lutheran School in Steeleville on Wednesday, April 25 and Trinity, Prairie on
Wednesday, May 2 for anyone who wishes to support their ministry.
Our Savior’s Annual Dinner Auction will be Saturday, April 28. The silent
auction will begin at 4:00 p.m. Dinner will be at 6:00 p.m. followed by the
live auction at 7:00 p.m.
There are a variety
of items to bid on such as delectable desserts, Cardinal tickets along with
other sporting and family events, and beautiful hand-made quilts to name a few.
. In cooperation with Van’s Yamaha, this year’s auction will also feature a
Yamaha Zuma 50F Scooter and a 2012 Grizzly 300 4-wheeler. Both the scooter and ATV will be offered at a
reserve price. COS will receive 100%
of the amount over the reserve. To check out more information about our
auction items, go to our Facebook page.
To purchase your
reservations for the evening, seating is $35 or you may purchase table of 8
reservations for $245.
HELP NEEDED: Assistance with events is always appreciated. Anyone who is interested in
volunteering time to help with mowing, landscaping, the school lunch
stands at estate auctions or Evansville
Days in July and/or the upcoming dinner auction please call the school’s
Other Coming Events:
May 13, Baccalaureate,
St. Peter’s, Evansville 2:00 p.m.
May 18, Senior
Graduation at Gym 7:00 p.m.
Ladies Aid
Ladies Aid hosted the LWML Zone Rally in Baldwin on April 12. 62 were in
attendance for the morning registration and opening devotions were led by
Pastor Taggatz. Offering was taken to be used for Zone expenses. Election of
Zone Officers resulted in Rosemary Fulton being our new Zone President and Tina
Heinemann the Vice-President. Otis Woodard was our speaker who runs a North St.
Louis Outreach Center. Over $600 was collected for his mission work. We
presented him with 20 comforters that were made by our members and friends from
Baldwin to be given to the poor & needy. Thanks to our Aid members who
helped with cooking, baking, and organizing the day. Thanks also to Pastor
Taggatz for leading devotions and to Pat Hartman, Liz Phegley, Lela Rehmer, and
Joyce Camp who helped serve the luncheon and aided in clean up.

Rowold Laverna Luthy
Red Bud Nursing
Home Three Springs N. Home
350 W. South 1st 161 Three Springs
Rd. Red Bud , IL
62278 Chester , IL 62233
Opal Luthy Patty
Red Bud Nursing
Home 402 W.
2nd St.
350 W. South 1st Apt. F.
Bud, IL 62278 Sparta, IL 62286
Junge Mr.
& Mrs. Russell Mahan
IL 62217 New Athens, IL 62264

Vision: Making Known the Love of Christ
Mission: St. John Lutheran Church is
dedicated to the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ within its church
and on into the community.
Present: Pastor Taggatz,
Gene Luthy, Gerald Poeniski, Marla Huebner, Susan Piel, Marvin Liefer, Tony
Junge, Corey Roscow, Linda Schoenbeck, Fleta Junge, Kevin Luthy and Stan Gegel.
The meeting was called to order by Pres. Gene Luthy.
Opening devotions were given by Pastor Taggatz.
Minutes from the previous meeting: were read and approved.
Financial Secretary’s Report:
Total receipts for March 2012, $18,064.60.
Treasurer’s report:
Ending balance for the general fund for March 2012 – ($4,479.93). Motion
made and second to approve. Motion carried
Spiritual Ministries/Elder: In
regards to Pastor Taggatz’s mileage, the elders requested that the mileage
change that was approved at last month’s meeting be reversed and allow Pastor
to continue to report and pay his mileage usage as he previously did prior to
last month’s meeting. Motion was made
and second. Motion carried.
Church Properties: Roof
repairs to the school should be done by May 1, 2012.
- A request to possibly cutting down tree by the parsonage
Social Ministries: Chicken
& Dumpling Dinner/Silent Auction/Bake Sale will be held Sunday, April 15th
for Keith & Lori Adair. Serving will be from 11:00 to 1:30. Help needed to
work and cleanup.
Christian Education:
Sunday School:
Stewardship: Community
Easter egg hunt was held on Saturday, March 31st, with 25 children
in attendance.
Lutheran Youth Fellowship:
- LYF will be helping clean tables for the Adair fundraiser.
- LYF will hold a lock-in at St. John Lutheran, Baldwin on
April 20th, 2012.
- LYF next meeting will be May 6th.
- LYF will be handing out flowers for Mother’s day, May 13th.
Pastor’s Report:
Pastoral Acts from
March 14th, 2012 through April 10th, 2012—
Saturday & Sunday worship responsibilities & catechetical youth
- 3 Bible Study class sessions (Sunday mornings)
-1 Counseling session
R. County Care Center Chapel service March 28th
COSLHS Meeting, March 19th
- 1
Hospital Visit
Homebound//Member Visits
-1 Red
Bud Nursing Home Chapel service April 8th
Pastor has been asked to be on the ballot for April
nominations for COSLHS Board of Governance to serve as the Vice President and
would a part of the COSLHS Executive Committee.
- Pastor will be attending the SID Pastor’s Conference at
Camp Wartburg on Tuesday, April 17th.
- LWML Lower Kaskaskia Spring Rally for our Southern
Illinois District will be held on April 12th at St. John Lutheran in
- Pastor asked for the council’s approval to be Pastor of
the Week at Camp Wartburg during the week of July 1st thru 6th.
It was noted that pastor has participated this in event in 2010 and 2011.
Motion was made and second. Motion carried.
- Church Secretary
Training with Jenna Otten is going well. Jenna did ask for a change in her work
schedule from Tuesday and Wednesday to Monday and Tuesday mornings from 10:00
am to 1:00 pm. This would allow her to maintain her job at Keil’s Pharmacy.
Council approved the change. Motion was made and second. Motion carried.
- Request for vacation from May 25th thru 29th.
Pastor will ask Pastor MacDougall to cover his calls for that weekend and will
get someone to preach, lead worship, and Bible study for that weekend. Motion was and second. Motion carried. It was
also noted that Pastor Taggatz would be covering for Pastor MacDougall’s call
from April 12th thru 20th.
- Pastor has already contracted Pastor Wayne Palmer to lead
worship and preach the week of June 10th thru 20th.
-Door Offering for Missions at St. John Baldwin for 2012
will be:
-PowerPoint projector door offering
will be in May (as approved by the council).
-Rev Tim & Lisa Beckendorf of
Lutheran Bible Translators in Botswana, Africa in August 2012
-SIGHT Ministry Center in October
2012 for LWML Sunday
-Giving through Thrivent Choice Program for April 2012 has
amounted to $138.00. Total amount our church has received from this program
since January is $781.00.
- Vacation Bible School will be Sunday, July 8th
thru Thursday, July 12th. Sunday evening session will be 5:30 pm to
8:30 pm. Monday thru Thursday evening sessions will be 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm.
- Heather Junge was confirmed on Sunday, April 1st.
Old Business: Discussion
on paper usage does indeed falls within budgeted contract.
- Any unused money from the repairs of the roof will go back
to the general funds.
New Business: Tuition
payment for parochial students will be further discussed with parents of the
parochial students.
Adjournment: Motion was made and second to adjourn. Motion
The meeting was closed with prayer and the Lord’s Prayer.
President, Gene Luthy
Secretary, Marla Huebner

Augsburg Confession
“The Sacrament of the Altar”
Introductory Note: In
this Sacrament, we cling to and trust God’s Word alone. Jesus does not lie to
us or deceive us. Therefore, when He tells us the bread and wine are His body
and blood, they are what He says. The key to understanding the benefit of the
Sacrament is Christ’s words “for you.” What we receive in this Sacrament is a
great “treasure”: the forgiveness of sins. The whole Gospel is comprehended in
this Sacrament and is offered to us through the Word, which promises that in
and under the bread and wine we receive the body and blood that was sacrificed
on the cross for our salvation. Those who believe the Words of promise receive
the forgiveness this Sacrament promises. Luther urges Christians to receive the
Sacrament frequently. Those who realize the enormity of their sin, how many
dangers abound, and how great Christ’s gifts are that are given in the Sacrament
will receive the Lord’s Supper as often as possible. This is precisely why the
early Lutheran congregations began to offer the Lord’s Supper every Lord’s Day
and on other festival days to those wishing to receive it. (See AC X; SA III
VI; FC Ep VII and SD VII.)
AC-Augsburg Confession; SA-Smalcald Articles; FC
Ep-Formula of Concord, Epitome; SD-Formula of Concord, Solid
The Holy
Evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and St. Paul write:
Lord Jesus Christ, on the night when He was betrayed, took bread, and when He
had given thanks, He broke it and gave it to the disciples and said,
“Take, eat; this is My body, which is given for you. This do in remembrance of Me.”
“Take, eat; this is My body, which is given for you. This do in remembrance of Me.”
In the same way also He took the cup
after supper, and when he had given thanks, He gave it to them, saying, “Drink
of it, all of you; this cup is the new testament in My blood, which is shed for
you for the forgiveness of sins. This
do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” (Small Catechism)
What is the
Sacrament of the Altar?
8 Answer, “It is the true body and blood of
our Lord Jesus Christ, in and under the bread and wine, which we Christians are
commanded by Christ’s Word to eat and to drink.” 9 Just as we have said that Baptism is not simple water,
so here also we say that though the Sacrament is bread and wine, it is not mere
bread and wine, such as are ordinarily served at the table [1 Corinthians
10:16–17]. But this is bread and wine included in, and connected with, God’s
10 It is the
Word, I say, that makes and sets this Sacrament apart. So it is not mere bread
and wine, but is, and is called, Christ’s body and blood [1 Corinthians
11:23–27]… 11 It is not
the word or ordinance of a prince or emperor. But it is the Word of the grand
Majesty, at whose feet all creatures should fall and affirm it is as He says,
and accept it with all reverence, fear, and humility [Isaiah 45:23; Philippians
13 Now here
stands Christ’s Word, “Take, eat; this is My body.… Drink of it, all of you;
this is My blood of the new testament,” and so on. Here we stop to watch those
who will call themselves His masters and make the matter different from what He
has spoken. It is true, indeed, that if you take away the Word or regard the
Sacrament without the words, you have nothing but mere bread and wine. 14 But if the words remain
with them, as they shall and must, then, by virtue of the words, it is truly
Christ’s body and blood. What Christ’s lips say and speak, so it is. He can
never lie or deceive [Titus 1:2].
17 The Word by
which it became a Sacrament and was instituted does not become false because of
the person or his unbelief. For Christ does not say, “If you believe or are
worthy, you receive My body and blood.” No, He says, “Take, eat and drink; this
is My body and blood.” Likewise, He says, “Do this” (i.e., what I now do,
institute, give, and ask you, take). 18
That is like saying, “No matter whether you are worthy or unworthy, you have
here His body and blood by virtue of these words that are added to the bread
and wine.” 19 Note and
remember this well. For upon these words rest all our foundation, protection,
and defense against all errors and deception that have ever come or may yet
come. (Large Catechism V, 8-11, 13-14, 17-19)
Concordia : The
Lutheran Confessions. 2005 (Edited by Paul Timothy McCain) (431-434). St.
Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House.
Etc. is a radio talk show hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken and produced
by Lutheran Public Radio. This week’s topics include: Turning
Sorrow into Joy, Biblical Archeology, Paul & Timothy, St. Mark the
Evangelist and more. You can listen LIVE weekdays from 3-5 p.m. on KFUO,
850 AM in St. Louis. You can also listen on-demand at
VBS at St. John will be “Babylon,
the Prophet Daniel’s Courage in Captivity.”
This year’s VBS will be from Sun. July 8th-12th. On Sunday it will go from 5:30pm-8:30pm and
on Monday through Thursday it will be from 6:00pm till 8:30 pm… We will be looking in the Old Testament book
of Daniel during this year’s VBS. Daniel
was way more than the guy who survived a den of hungry lions! Travel back to Babylon and join Daniel--torn
from his home and forced into the king's service. Imagine the pressure of
learning a new language and culture…and the shock of discovering your best
friends have been tossed into a fiery furnace. In this VBS kids and adults will
find that they're not much different from Daniel and his friends, who kept
their faith in a faithless culture. If you are interested in volunteering to
help out with VBS this year please contact our Sunday School Superintendent
Traci Liefer @ 618-282-3678. Our VBS
planning meeting for the Bible Study leaders and the volunteers will be on Tue.
May 22nd at 6:30pm.
Giving through Thrivent Choice for April 2012 — I am pleased
to announce that our giving through the Thrivent Choice program for April ‘12
has amounted to: $138.00.
. -Total amount our church has
received from the Thrivent Choice program since Jan. 2012: $781.00
notice regarding the Thrivent Choice Program:
might have already received notice of a change in the Thrivent Choice program
by mail, but just in case you haven’t there is some important information for
you to know about. This year of 2012 all
Thrivent members wishing to continue their automatic withdrawal to the charity
of their choice will have to let Thrivent know either by mail or phone. It only needs to be done once for this
year. To continue to direct your
Choice Dollars to the charity of your choice call: 800-THRIVENT
(800-847-4836) and state "Thrivent Choice."
The deadline for getting articles and reports
in to be included in the Newsletter is the 18th
of every month.
DON’T FORGET!!! The first Sunday
in June our worship service time will go back to 9am for our annual summer
schedule. Adult Bible study class will
be following the worship service at 10:15am.

4-Person Benefit Golf Scramble in
Honor of Bob Streuter. For the SID Student Aid Endowment Fund. The Southern
Illinois District Board of Directors is asking for your assistance. We need to
build up the Student Aid Endwoment Fund in order to financially assist our
young men and women who attend our Synodical Universities and Seminaries. There
will be registration forms in the back of the church. The tournament will be held on Saturday May
12th at the Acorns Golf Course in Waterloo.
Information on how the Southern
Illinois District
money is distributed and used by our District and how much is sent to the Synod
is on the table at the back of the church.

8th Grade
High School
Jake Piller
Samantha Buch-Maryville University
Jenna Otten-Southwestern Illinois College
If we forgot any college graduates please let the office
know so we can add to the bulletin.
Church Office Hours will be changed to
Monday and Tuesday from 10am -1pm starting in May. Please get the announcements no later than 10am on
Tuesday. If you can’t get them in by that time, they will still be
announced, but will not be in the bulletin.
Thank You!

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